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Q: Why does 90 degrees and 50 percent humidity in Seattle feel more comfortable than those numbers in NYC?
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Related questions

What is the unit of measure for the sling psychrometer?

The temperature and dewpoint of the air (degrees), eventually indicating the relative humidity (percent). Both are dimensionless numbers ... they have no units.

What unit of measure does a psychrometer measure in?

Like in a Hygrometer to measure humidity you use percentage (%)

What do numbers on an humidity meter look like?

Most humidity meters should be digital and show the numbers clearly just like an alarm clock. The numbers should not be hard to read or find at all. If the numbers are difficult to find or read I would suggest taking it back to where you got it from and asking for a refund or a new one.

What do you mean type of measurement?

It means what quality or units. Length, weight, density, speed, brightness, humidity etc.or units; Feet, Metres, Kilogrammes, cubic miles, degrees, or just simple numbers, i.e. "There are 6 trees" etc.

How do you write in numbers 27 degrees?

Twenty-seven degrees.

What is the average of humidity and temperature combine?

To calculate the average of humidity and temperature combined, you would add the humidity and temperature values together and then divide by 2. This would give you the combined average value for both variables.

What numbers are retired from the Seattle supersonics?

1, 10, 19, 24, 32, 43

What is the largest numbers of degrees of Latitude?


How do you convert degrees to numbers on golf clubs and what would 14point5 and 16point5 degrees be in numbers?

There's no definite standard. A 2 iron is typically 18

How do you add angles?

Just like adding normal numbers. Example : 160 degrees + 40 degrees = 200 degrees

Do you use the upper numbers in a protractor or the lower numbers?

You would use lower for degrees. :)

What skills and abilities are required to be an accountant?

Math and an ability to work with and be comfortable using numbers.