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Q: Why does Madison conclude that a pure democracy cannot solve the problems of faction but that a republic can solve them?
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According to Madison what is the difference between a democracy and a republic?

According to James Madison, the difference between a democracy and a republic is that a democracy is a government ruled by the people and a republic is a country that is owned by the people. James Madison was one of the writers of the Declaration of Independence.

Who urged direct democracy?

James Madison, in Federalist No. 10 advocates a constitutional republic over direct democracy precisely to protect the individual from the will of the majority.

Does Madison say its possible to have tyranny in a democracy?

Yes. Madison warned against the "tyranny of the majority" in a democracy.

Does Madison say it is possible to have a tyranny in a democracy?

Yes. Madison warned against the "tyranny of the majority" in a democracy.

Does Madison say it is possible to have tyranny in democracy?

Yes. Madison warned against the "tyranny of the majority" in a democracy.

What are the differences between a direct democracy and a republic?

A republic is a representative democracy, where the people elect representatives to make laws for them. A republic makes decisions democratically by the majority vote of representatives.In a representative democracy you elect a few to represent you in the decision making, and make decisions for you, rather then you yourself vote on every decision.(The United States is a republic, or representational democracy, because the people vote for representatives to represent their views in congress. James Madison defined republic in terms of representative democracy as opposed to direct democracy.)A direct democracy, or pure democracy, is where the people rule directly, voting on every law themselves. It's a form of government ruled by majority of every individual. A direct democracy allows all citizens to vote on every decision.Direct democracy is where citizens vote directly by ballot to make decisions for the government. Direct democracy originated in Athens.

How does James Madison define pure democacy and what are the problems associated with this form of government?

James Madison defined pure democracy as a system of involvement of the populace in every national decision. The problems associated with this form of government is that it is very difficult to get the consensus to get anything done.

How does Madison refute the prevailing view that democracy was possible only in a small state?

Madison refutes the prevailing view that democracy was only possible in a small state by arguing in Federalist Paper No. 10 that a large, diverse republic is better equipped to protect against the dangers of factionalism. He suggests that in a large republic, multiple factions would exist and would counterbalance each other, preventing any single faction from gaining too much power and oppressing others. Additionally, he argues that a larger republic would have a more diverse pool of candidates, leading to the election of more qualified and capable leaders.

How is a republic different from a direct democracy?

A republic is a representative democracy, where the people elect representatives to make laws for them. A republic makes decisions democratically by the majority vote of representatives.In a representative democracy you elect a few to represent you in the decision making, and make decisions for you, rather then you yourself vote on every decision.(The United States is a republic, or representational democracy, because the people vote for representatives to represent their views in congress. James Madison defined republic in terms of representative democracy as opposed to direct democracy.)A direct democracy, or pure democracy, is where the people rule directly, voting on every law themselves. It's a form of government ruled by majority of every individual. A direct democracy allows all citizens to vote on every decision.Direct democracy is where citizens vote directly by ballot to make decisions for the government. Direct democracy originated in Athens.

What are the differences between a democracy and a republic?

A republic is a representative democracy, where the people elect representatives to make laws for them. A republic makes decisions democratically by the majority vote of representatives.In a representative democracy you elect a few to represent you in the decision making, and make decisions for you, rather then you yourself vote on every decision.(The United States is a republic, or representational democracy, because the people vote for representatives to represent their views in congress. James Madison defined republic in terms of representative democracy as opposed to direct democracy.)A direct democracy, or pure democracy, is where the people rule directly, voting on every law themselves. It's a form of government ruled by majority of every individual. A direct democracy allows all citizens to vote on every decision.Direct democracy is where citizens vote directly by ballot to make decisions for the government. Direct democracy originated in Athens.

Who found the republic?

James Madison

Which concept is James Madison discussing in the Federalist Paper 47?

James Madison redefined the traditional concepts of democracy and republic. His Federalist writings allowed him to expand upon his vision of republican government.