Russell wrote the following, that's why he cannot shake with his right hand:
I thought I'd write an official message to you because the news of my recent stay in hospital has started to emerge and, as well as receiving lots of nice messages from well-wishers, there have also been lots of interesting theories (and a fair few bizarre ones) posted on twitter, so I thought I'd let you know what actually happened.
I've been in hospital for A WEEK. I've been on morphine, I've been flushed through with antibiotics, I've had two operations and now I'm bandaged up and typing this with my left hand.
That's right. I've managed to ruin my other hand. No I didn't break it doing press ups on a collapsible chair. I had to have 2 operations on an infected thumb. When I came round from the first operation they told me that at one point they thought they'd have to amputate my thumb, which would really have hampered my hitchhiking skills.
So that's it really, you can either feel sorry for me or do what my mates did and send me a massive foam hand.
On a serious note I'd like to thank all the nurses, doctors and various people that looked after me.
45 handshakes
36. Everybody shakes 8 hands but each shake counts for 2 people. So 9*8/2=36.
If each person is shaking with only one hand, then the answer is seven. If they are shaking with both hands, then the answer is 14.
Most people are right-handed, therefore we shake hands with our right (strong) hand.
Whether you are right or left handed, the proper custom is to shake with the right.
Of course. Why not? You shake hands with a brother-in-law who is not otherwise related to you. You shake hands with a cousin. Why not with a cousin who is also a brother-in-law
To encourage your baby to shake hands when they are excited, you can gently guide their hand to shake with yours and praise them when they do so. Consistently modeling this behavior and providing positive reinforcement can help them learn to shake hands as a way of expressing excitement.
a hand tremor is when your hands temporarily shake by themselves typically it can also be a muscle spasm (depending on how fast your hands are shaking)
They have clammy hands :]
animating hands by the nokia
People shake hands with their right hand and not their left one because using the left hand is considered to be improper etiquette.
British protocol Queen Elizabeth II does shake hands with people that she meets in an official capacity on official visits. For security reasons she does not shake hands with members of the public when they gather to see her. I was privileged to shake her hand on her State Visit to Germany in Berlin in 2004.
* If a person does not extend their hand to be shaken then don't shake their hand. If you are making a deal in business or if you have made up with a friend (especially males) then you can extend your hand to be shaken. Shaking hands is to seal a deal of good faith in all areas of society.
45 handshakes