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because they don't want you to spill it when you open it or because they are cheap. pick either reason.

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Q: Why does a bottle of lemonade is always have space between the top of the liquid and the cap?
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Why does a bottle of lemonade always have space between the top of the liquid and the cap?

Because when the bottle is opened, the liquid reacts with the oxygen, bubbles appear so the liquid level rises, but people wouldn't want it to overflow out of the bottle, so that is why :).

Why is there a mist over the neck of the bottle when you open a chilled bottle of lemonade?

Any liquid left in a container will evaporate. When placed in a closed container, there will be an equilibrium between the liquid and its vapour present above the liquid. When the bottle is chilled, the falling temperature causes the vapour present above the liquid to condense to form liquid again which appears as mist on the inside of bottle.

Would drinking a bottle of lemonade a day be dangerous?

If that's your only liquid intake, then yes. Otherwise, no.

Is lemonade a gas, liquid or a solid?

lemonade is a liquid even tough its fizzy there ingredients they have put in the lemonde to make it fizz

Why is lemonade not a pure liquid?

lemonade has solid particles in it. The pulp in lemonade includes solids Also the sugar in lemonade is a solid suspended in liquid.

If you estimate that you have made about two liters of lemonade how do you check your estimate?

You would have to find some sort of graduated cylinder, or more probably a pitcher and pour your lemonade into it. Then you place your graduated cylinder on a level or at least fairly level surface and check the measurement of your lemonade with the top of the liquid at eye level. Or alternately pour it in a two liter bottle. Find a two liter bottle and pour the lemonade into it and see what happens.

Do solutions always contain a liquid solute?

no solutions always do not contain liquid solute. eg: in a solution of salt and water water is the solvent and salt is the solvent.... also in lemonade sugar salt or anything r not liquid

How do you use thermos bottle in a sentence?

I always bring my thermos bottle with me to keep my coffee hot on long drives.

Is lemonade a gas and a liquid?

Yes. Americans will often refer to the liquid fuel gasoline as "gas" for short, which might be confusing to residents of other countries. It is often known outside the U.S. as "petrol."

What way does lomonade contain 3states?

All liquid contains small amounts of dissolved gases in it. water that we drink at room pressure and temperature contains small amounts of nitrogen, oxygen, carbon dioxide etc. Lemonade will then contain these dissolved gases too. Also, in a closed system (such as in a bottle) some of the lemonade will have evapourated, and it will then be present in the vapour phase of the closed system. Lemonade also contains small bits of solid cells obtained from the lemon from which it was made. three states: vapour (evapourated lemonade, and gas present in the lemonade), liquid (the water in the lemonade) and solid (cells and other bits in the lemonade).

Can you use another type of liquid for a bottle rocket?

It is not recommended to use another type of liquid for a bottle rocket besides water. Water is the safest and most commonly used liquid for bottle rockets as it provides the necessary weight and propulsion for the rocket to launch. Using other liquids could be dangerous or ineffective.

Is carbon dioxide gas in lemonade solution or suspension?

Carbon dioxide gas in lemonade forms a solution when dissolved in the liquid. The gas dissolves in the liquid to create the fizzy bubbles that you see in carbonated drinks like lemonade.