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Q: Why does a square have the same number of lines of symmetry?
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Does a square have the same number of lines of symmetry?


Does a square always have the same number of lines of symmetry?


Do triangles and trapezoids have the same number of lines of symmetry?

yes it has the same number of lines of symmetry

Does a square or rectangle has more lines of symmetry?

They both have the same amount of lines of symmetry. * * * * * Not true. A square has four lines of symmetry, a rectangle only two.

Do squares and pentagons have the same number of lines of symmetry?

A square has four; a pentagon has five.

Are the lines of symertry of a regular shape the same as the number of sides?

Yes, as for example a square has 4 lines of symmetry

What relationship can you find between the the number of lines of symmetry?

The relationship is one of identity. The number of lines of symmetry for any object, are always identically equal to the number of lines of symmetry for that same object.The relationship is one of identity. The number of lines of symmetry for any object, are always identically equal to the number of lines of symmetry for that same object.The relationship is one of identity. The number of lines of symmetry for any object, are always identically equal to the number of lines of symmetry for that same object.The relationship is one of identity. The number of lines of symmetry for any object, are always identically equal to the number of lines of symmetry for that same object.

Do all octogons have the same number of lines of symmetry?

All regular octagons have the same number of lines of symmetry, but octagons with unequal sides would have fewer lines of symmetry.

Will the number of lines of symmetry for a polygon always be the same as the number of vertices?

No, a polygon can have fewer lines of symmetry.

How many lines of rotation of symmetry does a square have?

Rotational symmetry refers to symmetry of the figure when it is rotated about a single point in the same plane. Lines of symmetry apply to reflections. You do not have lines of rotational symmetry.

Why the square has more lines of symmetry than the rectangle?

They would have the same

What prediction can be made about the number lines of symmetry in a polygon that has 6 sides of the same length?

It will have six lines of symmetry.