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coz tuba players are cooler

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Q: Why does a tuba have a greater amplitude than a flute?
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Is a bugle part of the tuba family?

the Flute

Is the bugle part of the tuba family?

the Flute

What instrument is odd one out of flute clarinet tuba and trumpet?

either clarinet or flute

Is the flute hard to play do you think it looks complicated?

It actually takes more air to play the flute than it does to play the tuba. The flute is a difficult instrument to learn and will require practice.Actually its not the fingerings that are hard its the air.

Name a musical instrument that sounds terrible when someone's learning to play it?

violin, piano, flute, tuba, trumpet, clarinet, drums

What instruments require a use of lungs?

Tuba Trumpet Trombone Saxaphone Flute Bag Pipe

What is better flute or bassoon?

No preference really...depends on whether you have a strong voice. if you do, you're more likely to like the tuba because you have the strength and the air in your diaphragm to do so. If you're a more of a quiet type, you would like the flute.

How can you make a flute sound like a tuba?

make a tuba sound like a flute or get a voice changer...edit the sound on computer,put wax paper over the sound's a very weird an odd question

What is a drawbar?

Produce different sounds like flute tuba or combination of sounds on a organ put together

What was the purpose of ancient Chinese flute?

To entertain themselves.the lovely sound of the flute makes us want to get up and dace.Ancient china created the flute in the 900 b.c. Ancient china invented the flute first.the they invented the recorder.after they invented the tuba.