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Q: Why does boiling corn ruin the bottom of a pot?
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Related questions

What are the bubbles at the bottom of the pot called?

The bubbles at the bottom of the pot are called boiling bubbles. They form when water reaches its boiling point and releases steam.

What do you use to lift ears of corn out of a pot of boiling water?

People usually use tongs to remove ears of corn from pots of boiling water.

How do you stop a pot from turning black while boiling eggs?

Put lemon in the bottom of the pot!

How does boiling in a pot demonstrate conduction and convection?

Boiling in a pot demonstrates conduction as heat is transferred from the heat source to the bottom of the pot, causing the molecules in the pot to vibrate and transfer heat throughout the material. Convection is also demonstrated as the heated water near the bottom of the pot rises to the surface, cools, and then sinks back down, creating a continuous circular motion that helps heat the water evenly.

When was The Infernal Boiling Pot created?

The Infernal Boiling Pot was created in 1903.

How does a convection current happen in a boiling pot of water?

In a boiling pot of water, convection currents occur when the water at the bottom is heated and becomes less dense, causing it to rise to the top. As it reaches the top, it cools down and becomes denser, then it sinks back down to the bottom to be reheated. This circular motion of rising and sinking creates a convection current in the pot.

Can pepper raise the water's boiling point?

No, pepper cannot. But salt can. Just put it at the bottom of the pot and boil whatever you need. It will start boiling the water quicker

If you continued t heat a pot of water after it reached it boiling point what would happen?

Eventually the boiling water would be completely evaporated, leaving a dry pot. An aluminium pot would have the bottom burnt out.

What is the duration of The Infernal Boiling Pot?

The duration of The Infernal Boiling Pot is 60.0 seconds.

How does a 'pot watcher' work the disc that you put at the bottom of a pan to stop it boiling over?

A pot watcher disc it put into the bottom of a pan. It helps to alert the cook to water getting ready to boil over before it happens. The way that it works is as the water begins to bubble the disc is raised. When the cook sees the disc coming to the top, it is a signal that the pot will soon be boiling over.

Does boiling something use convection?

Yes, boiling something uses convection to transfer heat energy from the bottom of the pot to the liquid. As the liquid at the bottom heats up, it becomes less dense and rises, while cooler liquid from the top of the pot sinks down to replace it, creating a convection current that evenly heats the entire liquid.

Boil corn on the cob?

If using fresh corn, peel the husk off the corn and remove any remaining silk by wetting a paper towel and rubbing it over the corn. Using a large pot and enough water to completely cover the corn, bring the water to a full boil. Carefully place the corn in the boiling water, cover the pot, and return to a boil. Once the water has returned to a full rolling boil, immediately remove the corn. The corn will be cooked to perfection. Roll the cob of corn on a stick of butter, add salt and pepper to taste.