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Q: Why does c mean the speed of light in E equals mc2?
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What does E equals mc2 mean in terms of the Sun and stars?

E=mc^2 describes the relationship between energy (E), mass (m), and the speed of light (c). In the context of the Sun and stars, E=mc^2 is relevant because it explains how nuclear fusion reactions in their cores convert mass into energy, providing the heat and light they emit. This equation is fundamental to understanding the energy source that powers these celestial bodies.

What does pie equals MC2 mean?

Well, mc2 means matter and speed of light squared and pi is 3.141592654. I dont no what you mean by 'what does pi=mc2 mean' but i can work out the equation. Matter=0.111 Speed of light=299792458 m/s mc2=0.111times299792458=29979.24580000 29979.24580000squared=898755154.753421 898755154.753421 If you divide 898755154.753421 bi 3.141592654 it equals=1. This means an unknown number-pi

What is mc2 in E equals mc2?

E (Energy) equals M (Mass) times C2 (speed of light square)

Is E equals MC2 a force?

No. E=mc2 is a formula. Energy equals mass times the speed of light squared.

Where did c come from in e equals mc2?

speed of light

What c stands for in e equals mc2?

Speed of light.

What is the word for the c in E equals MC2?

C = Speed of light, C2 =speed of light squared

Which quantity in the equatione equals mc2 represents the speed of light?

The quantity designated by the letter "c" is the speed of light

What is Mc2?

E means energy content m means mass c means spead of light so e = mc2 mean energy content equals mass into speed of light squared

What does the c in the equation e equals mc2?

c is the speed of light in vacuum.

In e equals mc2 what word does c stand for?

c = the speed of light.

In the equation e equals mc2 what does the letter c stand for?

The speed of light in vacuum.