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is it because that person is too old that why cardiace decrease

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Q: Why does cardicac output of a 70 year old person often decrease by 75 percent?
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Why does cardiac output of a 70-year- old person often decrease by 75 percent?


Why does cardiac output of a 70 year-old person often decrease by 75 percent?


Why does cardiac output of a 70-year-old person often decrease by 75 percent?


What factors decrease urine output?

There are various factors which might decrease urine output. For example, if a person is dehydrated then they will urinate less.

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"Decrease in bladder capacity" is definitely correct and probably the answer they are looking for. I would argue that "decrease in cardiac output" and "decrease in number of nephrons" can also do it by causing edema (fluid retention) when the person is upright which is then excreted at night when the person lies down flat.

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approxiately 33%

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Just took the test - correct answer is 'B' ; Increase Urine Output

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No, and the actual percentage is disputed and varies greatly.

CArdiac output may drop when one goes from lying to standing position because of?

Venous pooling results in a decrease in cardiac output when a person goes from a lying to standing position. Venous pooling occurs when there is a buildup of blood in the veins of the legs that results due to gravitational pull when changing positions.

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"The Solow growth model shows how saving, population growth, and technological progress affect the level of an economy's output and its growth over time" -N. Gregory Mankiw Macroeconomics 6th edition The solow growth model basically shows that an increase in population rate results in a decrease in output (consumption) per person.

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A computer cannot output electricity. The only that could happen is if a person were to wire it to do so.

Does the spleen decrease in size as a person ages?

Yes, the spleen tends to decrease in size as a person ages due to a process called involution where it gradually shrinks and becomes less active. This is a normal part of the aging process and is typically not associated with any health problems.