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Q: Why does cold air have a greater volume than hot air?
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What has more volume hot or cold water?

I hate questions like this one. Do you know why? Because I fear that the TEACHERS asking the question of their students are either IGNORANT of the subject matter they are supposed to be teaching or are asking a TRICK question of their students, which is almost always intellectually dishonest. Hopefully, it's just a poorly worded question by the poster of the question. Okay, I'll shut up and answer the question. A quantity of cold air can occupy a greater volume of hot air -- if there is more cold air than hot air!!!! If you've got two liters of cold air, that's a greater volume than one liter of hot air!!!!!! But what if you've got 0.1 kilogram of hot air and 0.1 kilogram of cold air? You've got the same amount of matter, right? They have the same mass: 0.1 kg. Will the hot and cold air occupy the same volume? NO!!! The hot air is less dense, which means it occupies MORE volume per unit mass than the cold air. So, if you have equal masses of hot and cold air, the hot air will have greater volume.

Which has greater volume warm air or cool air?


How does cold air effect the density of gas?

'Cold' air will have less volume so the density is greater.

Does hot air have more volume than cold air?

yes 1 mole hot air have more volume then cold air

Is Warm air heavier or cold air?

Cold air is heavier than warm air because cold air has higher density. This is because the molecules in cold air are closer together, leading to a greater mass per unit volume compared to warm air.

Cold air has more molecules occupying a cubic centimeter of space than warm air therefore it has what kind of pressure?

Cold air has higher pressure than warm air because there are more air molecules in a given volume, leading to more frequent collisions with the walls of the container, thus generating greater pressure.

Volume of warm air weighs less than an equal volume of cold air because?

warm air is less dense than cold air due to the fact that the molecules in warm air have more energy and thus move farther apart from each other. This results in less mass per unit volume of warm air compared to cold air.

Does hot air weighs more than cold air?

No, hot air does not weigh more than cold air. In general, air at different temperatures still has the same mass per unit volume, or density. The weight of a given volume of air depends more on its mass and not on its temperature.

Is it true that cold air can hold more moisture than an equal volume of warm air?


Cold air is denser than warm air there for has higher what?

Cold air is denser than warm air, meaning it has a higher mass per unit volume. This higher density results in cold air having higher pressure compared to warm air.

Why does cold air push warm air?

Because cold air is more dense, and also contains less water vapour.

What is heavier in warmer weather than in winter?

Air is heavier in warmer weather than in winter. This is because warm air is less dense than cold air, causing it to weigh more in the same volume compared to cold air.