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when anything that is a hit to a men groin is because it is a sensitive place for males

( im guessing you're still young)

if u r a guy then you will know when the time is right

if you're a girl don't abuse this power

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Q: Why does it pain when women kick men in groin?
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What are the reasons for a woman to kick a guy in the balls?

Same reason that men do: to inflict pain or to incapacitate.

Groin Pain in Women: Causes?

When groin pain occurs in an individual, the cause can greatly vary between women and men; for instance, conditions affecting genitalia are likely to contribute to the pain. While men suffer groin pain due to underlying problems with male genitalia, women could have a few potential causes which are not related to gynecological reasons whatsoever. One of the most common reasons that women suffer from groin pain includes suffering an injury in the hip joint. While this means that the injury has occurred in an entirely different area, the pain can still easily be found within the groin area, which is due to something called referred pain. Women often suffer an injury to the hip joint due to repeatedly executing the same repetitive movement and overdoing it. Alternatively, direct trauma can cause injury to the area. A hernia can also be the source of groin pain in women. This is when one of the internal organs manages to burst through its tissue, poking at the lining of the abdomen, and this most frequently occurs with the intestine. This will usually result in an abdominal lump that is both visible and palpable. Due to the close proximity with the groin, pain in the groin will typically be felt. Ovarian cysts might also be a source of groin pain in women. These are tiny sacs that, as the name suggests, can develop directly on the ovaries. While they will not often manifest any symptoms, larger sacs will produce pain in the groin area. More severe instances of ovarian cysts can result in the sacs becoming filled with blood and bursting, which causes internal bleeding. Other potential causes for groin pain in women can include rashes to the groin area, as well as a yeast infection, which occurs when too much fungus accumulates within the vagina, causing a rash in the area of the groin. Finally, another source of rash would be ringworm, a type of skin infection that -- again -- occurs with fungus, which leads to redness, severe itching and groin pain in general. Whatever the cause of the groin pain, it is best to figure out the source and treat that to fix the pain in the groin.

Who has more pain tolerance men or women?


Who is more likely to have shoulder pain men or women?

as far as i know women have more upper back pain and pain on shoulders and neck than men, whereas men are prone to lower back pain.

I have pain below my belly button and just above my groin whats wrong?

If you have pain below your belly button and just above your groin, you could be either pregnant (pregnancy discomfort) or growing some cancer (testicular cancer for men).

Why did men feel pain if a kick hits the testis?

Men usually feel a lot of pain if their testis is hit because of the very sensitive sensory organs.

What is the exercise donkey kicks?

The donkey kick is a calisthenic exercise that targets the gluteus and lower back muscles. These two parts of the body are trouble spots for both men and women. While women usually look to tone their tush, men frequently are victims of lower back pain.

Do women have groins?

Yes, the term "groin" is a general anatomical term that refers to the area where the abdomen meets the thigh, and it exists in both males and females. In women, the groin area includes the same muscles, ligaments, and structures found in men.

How do men and women in kikuyu culture communicate?

They do symbolic dances and kick each other in the genitals.

Do women have any heart attack symptoms that are different to those shown by men?

Women do not have different heart attack symptoms than men. The symptoms would be sweating, shortness of breath, chest pain, arm pain, and sometimes jaw pain.

How did men feel as role for women changed?

men felt terrible and crappy about themselves cause women are badass, and we are SO much better then them lazy men. Stop hating on us women, men! We got talent, brains, beauty, and strengh to kick all of your butts!

Do men want smart women or just the easy ones?

Men like smart women but smart women tend to be a bit more of a pain in the butt so men often default to the easy ones.