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We don't know that it does. It's just that as far out as it's been calculated so far ...

2.5 trillion decimal places according to a Japanese team and their supercomputer in 2009 ...

the end of the decimal hasn't turned up yet. But that's not a guarantee that it won't end at

some decimal place farther out.

* * * * *

Actually there is proof that pi continues to infinity.

It has been proven that Pi is a transcendental number - an extension of the Lindeman Weierstrasse theorem. A transcendental number is a special kind of irrational number and there is proof that all Irrational Numbers have infinite, non-recurring decimal representations.

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Q: Why does pi continue infinity?
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How would you use infinity in a sentence?

'pi' is an irrational number, which means that the decimal digits are not in any regular order, and the digits continue to infinity. pi = 3.141592..... ( is the correct way to write 'pi'). The word 'infinity' means 'never ending' or 'never finishing'.

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Who discovered the last digits of pi?

The last digits of pi are unknown. The number is not a rational number and will continue on out to infinity. There was a satire written as a news story that appeared, but it was not true.

Will pi calculate out too infinity?

No. Pi is a finite number.

Why is March 14th 2009 Pi Day?

Pi = 3.14 + infinity

What is infinity divided by pi?

Impossible to answer ! Infinity is a never ending quantity - and Pi is a never ending decimal !

What is pi calculated to infinity?

Pi is an irrational number so it will go on to infinity. That also means it will take to infinity to calculate the infinite point. By definition a finite number will never be found.

Could Pi be infinity and infinity be Pi and Why?

No. Infinity goes on forever, and thus is an 'infinitely' large number. Pi however, even though it has infinite decimal places, will never be a bigger number than what it is. By this I mean Pi can never be measured as 3.2. Or 3.15. Or 3.143. At least in my understanding.

How many 3's are in PI?

Since pi is irrational , so the answer is infinity.

How many years dose it take for a person to say all the numbers in the math way pi?

infinity, the pi number keeps going on to infinity

What is the seventeenth number in pi?

Pi as written is 3.14159265358979323 to infinity. The 17th number is 3.

What is an approximation of pi?

Think of pi as infinity. It never ends. You might mean "3.14" as an approximation of pi, though.