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All forms of matter have a three dimensional shape on a molecular level.

Nothing except for images exist in only two dimensions and even than the medium they are displayed on or with does itself exist in three dimensions even if one of those dimensions is amazingly short in relative terms to the others. (even a piece of paper has thickness regardless of how flat the image portrayed on it appears)

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Q: Why does protein need a three dimensional shape?
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What ia path of a three-dimensional shape?

A 3-dimensional shape need not have any path.

What is 2 D shapes?

A 2-d shape is a two dimensional shape meaning it is flat.

Is a cylinder a polygon?

No, a cylinder is not a polygon. It is not a polygon because it has curved sides. In order to be considered a polygon, it would need to have flat sides. Also, a polygon is a 2 dimensional shape but a cylinder is a three dimensional shape.

Explain how you can produce a three dimensional shape from the two dimensional material?

Well, isn't that just a happy little question! You see, to create a three-dimensional shape from a two-dimensional material, all you need is a little imagination and some creativity. By folding, cutting, or manipulating the material in different ways, you can give it depth and form, turning a flat surface into a beautiful, three-dimensional masterpiece. Just remember, there are no mistakes, only happy accidents!

What is an irregular three dimensional shape?

a triangle * * * * * Wrong on at least two counts: A triangle need not be irregular and a triangle is not a three dimensional shape. Any pyramid other than a regular triangular pyramid (tetrahedron), any prism other than a cube are some examples.

How many coordinates are required for an three dimensional force?

For three-dimensional space, in general you need three components. You may need three components for forces, for positions, for velocities, etc.

How do you get the volume of a 4 dimensional things?

The answer depends on the shape. If the 4-Dimensional shape is analogous to a 3-D shape then the formula will be analogous. If not, then you may need to find the formula for the shape in 4-D space ant integrate.

The rules of two-dimensional geometry can be applied to three-dimensional solids.?

No they cannot. For example, in three dimensions, the angles of a triangle need not add to 180 degrees.

What is a flat two dimensional object?

It is a plane figure. It need no have any specific shape with a name.

What is important that a protein keeps its shape?

Proteins need to maintain their specific shape in order to perform their function effectively. The shape of a protein is crucial for interacting with other molecules, enzymes, or receptors in the body. Even slight changes in the protein's shape can lead to loss of function and potentially cause diseases.

What is the role of hydrogen bonds?

Hydrogen bonds help stabilize the three-dimensional structure of molecules like proteins and DNA. They are responsible for the unique properties of water, such as its high surface tension and specific heat capacity. Hydrogen bonds also facilitate interactions between molecules in processes like DNA replication and protein folding.

How would you represent a point in a three dimensional Cartesian?

You would need three points. (x,y,z)