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due to less profit and more loss.

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Q: Why does the industrial production go to negative numbers?
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What are negative numbers?

Negative numbers are numbers that go below.say you have 3 and take away 4 that would take you to negative 1 .

How are positive and negative numbers placed on a number line?

Positive numbers go to the right of zero, negative numbers go to the left of zero.

What was the number that is essential in order to use negative numbers?

the number is 10000 because that is what negative numbers go up to

In order from greatest to least which will go first 7 or -5?


Is there a smallest integer that is negative?

No. Numbers go on forever.

What is the middle number of all numbers?

It is zero because the positive numbers go on forever as well as the negative numbers so zero in not positive nor negative.

Is negative 6 a whole number?

Yes, negative 6 is a whole number. All numbers that don't go into decimals or fractions are whole numbers weather they are negative or not. hope this helps

How is positive and negative numbers used?

The way to look at positive and negative numbers is to imagine them as if they are on a numberline. Positives will go up the timeline, and towards 100. Negatives will go down (to the left) of the timeline.

Can an integer be negative?

Integers are whole numbers that go from negative infinity to positive infinity. As such, they do cover the negative range of the number line.

What side of zero do negative numbers on a number line go?


What two numbers go into negative 11 and 14?

1 and -1

What is a numberline?

a line with the median marked with 0. if you go to the right of 0 you find positive numbers. If you go to the left of 0 you will get negative numbers.