Integers are whole numbers without decimals or fractions.
I dont know
1. When adding, the decimals MUST line up: 012.3 +32.1 2. When multiplying, you dont have to put the decimals side by side: 12.3 x323.55 Then you count how many numbers are after the decimals, which, in this case, is three. Hope it helped!
A whole number is an integer that has no decimals or fractions attached to it.
Well, technically, addition and subtraction are opposites. if you add two numbers together, then you take one and put the other with it. if you subtract two numbers, you take one away from the other. if you are adding or subtracting decimals, then make sure that the decimals are lined up. Fractions have some different rules.
no * * * * * Yes, they do. The additive opposite of 3.1289 is -3.1289
Integers are whole numbers without decimals or fractions.
I dont know
This is not a question.
i dont think one would
Yes. Integers are whole numbers and their opposites. Rational numbers are numbers that can be written as a fraction. This includes decimals that terminate and repeat.
Yes. Integers are whole numbers and their opposites. Rational numbers are numbers that can be written as a fraction. This includes decimals that terminate and repeat.
Counting numbers are 1,2,3.... If you include 0 and the opposites .... -3,-2,-1, 0,1,2,3 .... this creates the integers. Integers do not include decimals or fractions.
I dont understand the questions but i will give you opposites Blue Red Water Land Fire Ice Earth Yes No Pretty Ugly Opposites are two words that are completely different Their opposite
1. When adding, the decimals MUST line up: 012.3 +32.1 2. When multiplying, you dont have to put the decimals side by side: 12.3 x323.55 Then you count how many numbers are after the decimals, which, in this case, is three. Hope it helped!
what that it mean please restrike your wage to nubre and decimals. and the number is ; :( 30,000) I dont know how to do it please?