

Why identical twins are similar?

Updated: 11/3/2022
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10y ago

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If they were not then they would not be called identical twins!

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Q: Why identical twins are similar?
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Why are Identical and fraternal twins similar?

They are twins!

Is the DNA in twins the same?

Twins can have very similar DNA, especially in identical twins who come from a single fertilized egg that splits into two. On the other hand, fraternal twins are no more similar genetically than any other siblings. Some slight genetic differences can arise due to mutations that happen after the initial egg fertilization.

A sentence for identical twins?

Identical twins develop from a single egg that splits into two.Identical twins can be so similar that their parents cannot tell them apart.

What is one way in which identical and fraternal similar?

Identical and fraternal twins typically share many similar characteristics

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Identical twins are much more similar in both extraversion and neuroticism compared to fraternal twins. This suggests a higher genetic contribution to these traits in identical twins due to their identical genetic makeup, whereas fraternal twins share only about 50% of their genetic material on average.

Do Fraternal Twins have similar minds like identical twins do?

Twins don't always think alike, whether they be identical, fraternal, or even simese. It depends on there personalities, not their looks.

What is having a embryo with two similar parts?

Having an embryo with two similar parts is known as having a bilateral symmetry. This means that the organism can be divided into two equal halves along a single plane. Organisms with bilateral symmetry have a distinct left and right side, as seen in humans.

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The exception is due to variations during the development process, such as differences in uterine environment or random genetic mutations. These factors can lead to differences in physical appearance despite sharing the same genetic makeup.

Will finger prints of identical twins be similar?

Fingerprints of identical twins are not identical. They can be quite similar due to genetic factors, but they are not exact matches. Even though identical twins share the same DNA, various environmental factors during fetal development can lead to differences in their fingerprints.

Are rex and rob ryan identical twins?

Yes, Rex and Rob Ryan are identical twins. They both have similar physical features and share the same DNA.

With the exception of identical twins siblings who have the same two biological parents are likely to look similar but not identical to each other because they have?

Different combinations of genes inherited from their parents, leading to variations in physical traits like height, eye color, and facial features. This genetic diversity results in siblings having similarities in appearance but not being identical to each other.

If you have twin and both come out conected do they share the same fingerprints and why?

Conjoined, "Siamese", twins are by definition identical twins. Their fingerprints will be very similar but often not completely identical.