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An integer can be denotated by any letter. Teachers/professors may use different letters as a means to represent on a graph (i.e. x,y,z axis), but there is usually no real meaning behind why the letter 'z' was chosen over 'q'.

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Q: Why integer is denoted by z?
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Why do you use the letter z to represent integer numbers?

why an set of integer denoted by z

Why set of integer is denoted by z?

Set of integers is denoted by Z, because it represents the German word Zahlen which means integers

What is the symbol for integer numbers?

It is Z from the German for "to count". The counting, or natural numbers are denoted by N.

Why complex no is denoted by z?

There are no real reason why it is denoted by z, but that the real number axis is denoted by x, imaginary number is denoted by y, the real part of a complex number is denoted by a, the imaginary part of a complex number is denoted by b, so there is z left.

Why atomic number denoted by Z?

Symbol Z comes from the German word Zahl 'number',

What is integer ambiguity?

Integer ambiguity refers to the initial epoch of a continuous tracking in the carrier phase measurement, usually it is denoted as N.

Who discover integers?

Some of the guys think that the integer numbers were first discovered byCarl Gauss, but there is no evidence of this statement, on of the famousMathematicianstated the the integers which are denoted by letter "Z" is actually discovered by a German Mathematician "Zahlen". The "Z" of "Zahlen" is used to denote the integers.i am wanting to know who came up with interger

What are the rules of integers?

To start with, the set of integers is a Group. This means that it is a set of elements (numbers) with a binary operation (addition) that combines any two elements in the set to form a third element. This Group, Z, satisfies four axioms: closure, associativity, identity and invertibility. that is, if x , y and z are integers, thenx + y is an integer (closure).(x + y) + z = x + (y + z) (associativity)there is an integer, denoted by 0, such that 0 + x = x + 0 = xthere is an integer, denoted by -x, such that x + (-x) = (-x) + x = 0.In addition, it is a Ring. A ring is an Abelian group (that is, addition is commutative: x + y = y + x) and it has a second binary operation (multiplication) that is defined on its elements. This second operation satisfies the axioms of closure, associativity and identity. It is also distributive over the first operation. That is,x*(y + z) = x*y + x*z

Why integer is represented as z?

an integer can be represented as any letter of the alphabet

What is the mathematical symbol of an integer?


What is call natural numbers their opposites and 0?

It is the set of integers, denoted by Z.

What sets of numbers does -10 belong?

-10 belongs to the set of all integers denoted by Z.