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52 x 7 is 364. A year is 52 weeks and 1 day. That is how long, to the nearest day, it takes the Earth to go around the Sun. It is about 365.25 days to be more accurate.

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Q: Why is 52wksX7days 364 not 365?
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Does the earth revolve 365 times each year?

yes that is why each year has 365 days , actually practically speaking it some times has 364 or 364 one fourth days

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364 out of 365

How long does it take the sun to make a revolution?

364 days, on leap yr: 365

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What is greater 52 weeks or 365 days?

Seven days in a week. So... 52(7) = 364.

What do you do to get 52 weeks in 365 days?

You don't have to do anything. Everybody gets 52 weeks in 365 days. Plus an extra day!52 x 7 = 364

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The Chichen Itza has 364 steps there is 91 steps on each side so, 91 x 4 ___ 364

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364 days and 365 in a leep year

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52 x 7(days in a week) = 364 + 1 = 365.

What is the probability that 4 randomly selected people all have different birthdays?

Let us assume that there are exactly 365 days in a year and that birthdays are uniformly randomly distributed across those days. First, what is the probability that 2 randomly selected people have different birthdays? The second person's birthday can be any day except the first person's, so the probability is 364/365. What is the probability that 3 people will all have different birthdays? We already know that there is a 364/365 chance that the first two will have different birthdays. The third person must have a birthday that is different from the first two: the probability of this happening is 363/365. We need to multiply the probabilities since the events are independent; the answer for 3 people is thus 364/365 × 363/365. You should now be able to solve it for 4 people.

If you put N people into a room how many unique birthdays will they have on average?

In Mathematica: Sum[((365!/(365 - k)!)) * k * StirlingS2[N, k], {k, 1, N}] / 365^N StirlingS2 is a Stirling Number of the Second Kind: Or you could just do 365*(1- (364/365)^N) LOLZ.

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-365- IS 1973 Yamaha MX360. First 3 numbers tell me that, for example similar models of that time; the SC500 is 363 AND the MX250 is 364.