It does not necessarily prove congruence but it does prove similarity. You can have a smaller or bigger triangle that has the same interior angles.
Adele is pretty awsome
there isn't a AAA postulate because,,, for a triangle to be equal, there HAS to be a side in it
If three angles of one triangle are congruent to three angles of another triangle then by the AAA similarity theorem, the two triangles are similar. Actually, you need only two angles of one triangle being congruent to two angle of the second triangle.
The only Two Triangle congruence shortcuts that do not prove congruence are: 1.AAA( Three pairs of angles in a triangle) & 2.ASS or SSA(If the angle is not in between the two sides like ASA.
Adele is pretty awsome
I am guessing you are interested in triangles. Here are two false triangle congruence theorem conjectures.1, If the angles of one triangle are equal respectively to the angles of another triangle, the triangles are congruent. ( abbreviated AAA).2. If two sides and one angle of a triangle are equal respectively the two sides and one angle of another triangle, the triangles are congruent. (abbreviated SSA)Comment: Draw triangles with pairs of equal sides but in which the included angle between the equal sides is acute in one case and obtuse in the others.
the congruence theorems or postulates are: SAS AAS SSS ASA
there isn't a AAA postulate because,,, for a triangle to be equal, there HAS to be a side in it
If three angles of one triangle are congruent to three angles of another triangle then by the AAA similarity theorem, the two triangles are similar. Actually, you need only two angles of one triangle being congruent to two angle of the second triangle.
There is no AAA theorem since it is not true. SSS is, in fact a theorem, not a postulate. It states that if the three sides of one triangle are equal in magnitude to the corresponding three sides of another triangle, then the two triangles are congruent.
There is no AAA theorem since it is not true. SSS is, in fact a theorem, not a postulate. It states that if the three sides of one triangle are equal in magnitude to the corresponding three sides of another triangle, then the two triangles are congruent.
No, the side-side-angle in congruence shortcut DOESN'T exist..hint-SSA turns backward--->ASS<---thats the problem of no word will come on math..kinda funny to laugh about but SSA=GET rid off it! use SSS, SAS, ASA, SAA, SSS, and AAA.
its a shortcut to tell whether two triangles are congruent to each other or not its a shortcut because you can tell it without having to use geometric tools. There are Four types of them SAS (side angle side) ASA (angle side angle) SSS (side side side) and SAA ( side angle angle), in first one , if two sides and one included angle is congruent to two side and one included angle of another triangle then both triangle are congruent to each other. Second is ASA,, if two angles and one included side are congruent to two angles and one included side of another triangle then they both are congruent to each other. and so on like other one's too (hope you understand my point here). only two cases are not possible here and those are ASS (angle side side) because its not necessary if one angle and two sides are congruent to something then they will be congruent to each other , and the other false statement is AAA (angle angle angle) you could easily have one really small triangle with the same angles of a really big triangle but they will not be congruent so this conjecture would not work.