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Q: Why is L and P kiwiana?
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What does Kiwiana look like?

Kiwiana is a word used to describe things that belong to, or are very, New Zealand.

Is a kiwiana a fruit or vegetable?

kiwiana is new zealand icons i think the question is is kiwifruit a fruit or a veggie and it is a fruit.

What are the 5 things that are called 'kiwiana'?

Pavlovas Jandles Gumboots Fish and Chips Kiwi Silver Fern Sheep All Blacks Buzzy Bee Beaches Marmite Kiwi Fruits Hokey Pokey Ice-cream L&P Tomato Sauce Pineapple Lumps

What is the domain and kingdom and phylum and class and order and family and genus and species names for a whale?

Superregnum: EukaryotaRegnum: AnimaliaSubregnum: EumetazoaCladus: BilateriaCladus: DeuterostomiaPhylum: ChordataSubphylum: VertebrataInfraphylum: GnathostomataSuperclassis: TetrapodaClassis: MammaliaSubclassis: TheriaInfraclassis: PlacentaliaOrdo: CarnivoraSubordo: FeliformiaFamilia: FelidaeSubfamilia: PantherinaeGenus: PantheraSpecies: Panthera leoSubspecies: †P. l. atrox - P. l. azandica - P. l. bleyenberghi - †P. l. europaea - P. l. hollisteri - P. l. kamptzi - P. l. krugeri - P. l. leo - P. l. maculatus - †P. l. melanochaita - P. l. nubica - P. l. persica - P. l. senegalensis - †P. l. sinhaleyus - P. l. verneyi

Taxonomy of a lion?

Superregnum: EukaryotaRegnum: AnimaliaSubregnum: EumetazoaSuperphylum: DeuterostomiaPhylum: ChordataSubphylum: VertebrataInfraphylum: GnathostomataSuperclassis: TetrapodaClassis: MammaliaSubclassis: TheriaInfraclassis: PlacentaliaOrdo: CarnivoraSubordo: FeliformiaFamilia: FelidaeSubfamilia: PantherinaeGenus: PantheraSpecies: Panthera leoSubspecies: †P. l. atrox - P. l. azandica - P. l. bleyenberghi - †P. l. europaea - P. l. krugeri- P. l. leo - †P. l. melanochaita - P. l. nubica - P. l. persica - P. l. senegalensis - †P. l. sinhaleyus

Why is kiwiana important to NZ?

kiwiana is important to nz as they are items, events, people etc that are owned/inherited in nz and are things that we specialise in and they represent nz

When did democracy start in England?

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How kiwiana looks like?

It looks like New Zealand

Which new zealand town calls itself 'kiwiana'?

The answer is.... Otorohanga!

What is kiwianna?

Kiwiana Town of New Zealand and hotspot for 'kiwi'

In the finantial world what does p stand for in abbreviation p and l?

The "P" in P and L generally stands for Profit.

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P u l l p e o p l e