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If we're talking Width, Length and Perimeter then W = P/2 - L

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Q: Which equation solves for w in terms of L and P?
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A little more info would be nice but as it stands your equation is 2L + C = P

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If length = L and width = W then area A = L*W and perimeter P = 2(L+W). So, from the area equation, L = A/W Substituting this in the equation for P gives P=2(A/W + W) = 2A/W + 2W Then multiplying through by W gives PW = 2A + 2W2 or, in standrad form, 2W2 - PW + 2A = 0 Then W = 1/4*[P +/- sqrt(P2 - 16A)] The two solutions of this quadratic will be W and L.

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L= Length W= Width P= Perimeter Equation 1: L= 2W-5 Equation 2: 2L+2W=P=80 Then, From Equation 2, Solve the second equation for 2W. 2L + 2W= 80 2W = 80 - 2L From Equation 1, Substitute 80-2L for 2W in the first equation. This gives the equation one variable, which earlier algebra work.L=(80-2L)-5 L=80-2L-5 2L + L= 80 - 5 3L= 75 L=25 Now, substitute 25 for L in either equation and solve for w. From Equation 1 25 = 2W - 5 5 +25 = 2W30 = 2W 30 / 2 =W 15=W The solution is Lengh = 25 Width = 15 L= Length W= Width P= Perimeter Equation 1: L= 2W-5 Equation 2: 2L+2W=P=80 Then, From Equation 2, Solve the second equation for 2W. 2L + 2W= 80 2W = 80 - 2L From Equation 1, Substitute 80-2L for 2W in the first equation. This gives the equation one variable, which earlier algebra work.L=(80-2L)-5 L=80-2L-5 2L + L= 80 - 5 3L= 75 L=25 Now, substitute 25 for L in either equation and solve for w. From Equation 1 25 = 2W - 5 5 +25 = 2W30 = 2W 30 / 2 =W 15=W The solution is Lengh = 25 Width = 15

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There can be no solution because there is no equation (or inequality) but only an expression.

What equation can be used to find power P in terms of force F distance d and time t?

The equation P = F * d / t can be used to find power P in terms of force F, distance d, and time t. Power is equal to the force applied multiplied by the distance over which the force is applied, divided by the time taken to do the work.