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It can be proven to an extent but if the sides of a right angle triangle are equal in length then using Pythagoras' theorem is impossible to exactly find the length of its hypotenuse which will always be an irrational number that can't be determined.

It is a theorem, not a theory. They are not the same. A theorem is shown to be true based on axioms, what is already known to be true. It does not need to be proven using a scientific method.

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Q: Why is Pythagoras theorem only a theory that can not be proven?
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Was Pythagoras the only person who found the Pythagoras theorem?


Why is it still called Pythagoras theorem when it has been proven and is no longer a theory?

Answer #1:The reason is that when the sides of a right angle triangle are equal it is impossible to find the exact value of its hypotenuse by using Pythagoras' theorem because it will always be an irrational number which is infinite. So therefore it remains a theorem because it has not been 100% proven.It is for the same reason that the area of a circle which is pi*radius2 is only theoretical because the exact value of pi has never been determined which is also an irrational number.================================Answer #2:The question rests on an invalid equivocation. "Theorem" and "theory" are NOT the same thing.A theory is a set of ideas presented in an attempt to explain something that'sobserved.A theorem is a statement derived logically from other, previously accepted statements.Pythagoras took what was already known in Geometry, and massaged and manipulatedit to show that IF those previous statements are correct, THEN C2 = A2 + B2.

What are the aspects of pythagores theorem?

Pythagoras invented the Pythagorean Theorem of course, but it only can work for right triangles, not any other triangle. The formula is- A2+B2=C2

How do you find the width and length of a rectangle knowing ONLY the diagonal and the length?

With Pythagoras' theorem: diagonal2- length2 = width2

How do you find the height of a cone when only given the radius and length?

The height of?æ a cone is found by use of Pythagoras theorem. Pythagoras theorem states that the sum of the squares of two shorter sides (in this case, the shorter sides are?æ the height and radius of the cone) are equal to?æ the square of the longer side (for this case the longer side is the length of the cone).

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Pythagoras' theorem is only a theory because when the sides of a right angle triangle are equal then the length of its hypotenuse will be an irrational number which can't be finally determined.

Was Pythagoras the only person who found the Pythagoras theorem?


What triangles does Pythagoras theorem include?

The Pythagorean theorem only includes right triangles

Can a law turn into a theory?

There is no rational route for this. For example we have Ohm's Law, but we only have Pythagoras' Theorem. Even though it may be proven and invariant.And in economics we have the "Laws of Supply and Demand" even though hedged with all sorts of precautions, and economics is not really a science.

Does pythagoras' theorem work for all triangles?

no only right triangles

Who invented the pythegorean theorem?

Actually, the theorem has been used long ago before mathematician called Pythagoras came along. It was previously already applied in Indian society. The theorem only came to be known as "Pythagoras Theorem" because he (or his students) were the first ones to construct a proof for the theorem.

Why is it still called Pythagoras theorem when it has been proven and is no longer a theory?

Answer #1:The reason is that when the sides of a right angle triangle are equal it is impossible to find the exact value of its hypotenuse by using Pythagoras' theorem because it will always be an irrational number which is infinite. So therefore it remains a theorem because it has not been 100% proven.It is for the same reason that the area of a circle which is pi*radius2 is only theoretical because the exact value of pi has never been determined which is also an irrational number.================================Answer #2:The question rests on an invalid equivocation. "Theorem" and "theory" are NOT the same thing.A theory is a set of ideas presented in an attempt to explain something that'sobserved.A theorem is a statement derived logically from other, previously accepted statements.Pythagoras took what was already known in Geometry, and massaged and manipulatedit to show that IF those previous statements are correct, THEN C2 = A2 + B2.

A valid argument which shows that a mathematical statement called a theorem is true?

Pythagoras' theorem is only theorem regarding right angle triangles but it is true.

Is there Only One Answer To The Pythagorean Theorem?

Pythagoras' theorem is used to find any of the 3 sides of a right angle triangle if the 2 other sides are known.

What is the difference between a theorem and a theory?

From Wikipedia:In mathematics, a theorem is a statement proved on the basis of previously accepted or established statements.Definitively speaking, a theory is a unifying principle that explains a body of facts and the laws based on them. In other words, it is an explanation to a set of observations. Additionally, in contrast with a theorem the statement of the theory is generally accepted only in some tentative fashion as opposed to regarding it as having been conclusively established."Basically speaking, the major difference is that a theoryis not "conclusively established", whereas a theorem is.

What are the aspects of pythagores theorem?

Pythagoras invented the Pythagorean Theorem of course, but it only can work for right triangles, not any other triangle. The formula is- A2+B2=C2

How do you find the width and length of a rectangle knowing ONLY the diagonal and the length?

With Pythagoras' theorem: diagonal2- length2 = width2