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Answer #1:

The reason is that when the sides of a right angle triangle are equal it is impossible to find the exact value of its hypotenuse by using Pythagoras' theorem because it will always be an irrational number which is infinite. So therefore it remains a theorem because it has not been 100% proven.

It is for the same reason that the area of a circle which is pi*radius2 is only theoretical because the exact value of pi has never been determined which is also an irrational number.


Answer #2:

The question rests on an invalid equivocation. "Theorem" and "theory" are NOT the same thing.

A theory is a set of ideas presented in an attempt to explain something that's


A theorem is a statement derived logically from other, previously accepted statements.

Pythagoras took what was already known in Geometry, and massaged and manipulated

it to show that IF those previous statements are correct, THEN C2 = A2 + B2.

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Q: Why is it still called Pythagoras theorem when it has been proven and is no longer a theory?
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What is a statement that has been deductively proven?

A theorem is proven. An example is The "Pythagoras Theorem" that proved that for a right angled triangle a2 + b2 = c2

Why is Pythagoras theorem only a theory that can not be proven?

It can be proven to an extent but if the sides of a right angle triangle are equal in length then using Pythagoras' theorem is impossible to exactly find the length of its hypotenuse which will always be an irrational number that can't be determined.It is a theorem, not a theory. They are not the same. A theorem is shown to be true based on axioms, what is already known to be true. It does not need to be proven using a scientific method.

What is the definition of a theorem?

A mathematical statement of some importance that has been proven to be true. Minor theorems are often called propositions. Theorems which are not very interesting in themselves but are an essential part of a bigger theorem's proof are called lemmas. Example: It is Pythagoras' theorem that states the hypotenuse of any right angle triangle when squared is equal to the sum of its squared sides.

Who proved the pythagory thearom?

The Pythagorean theorem was proven by the ancient Greek mathematician Pythagoras. However, it is worth noting that although the theorem is credited to Pythagoras, evidence suggests that it was known and used by other civilizations before him.

Can a theorem be proven using a corollary?

No, a corollary follows from a theorem that has been proven. Of course, a theorem can be proven using a corollary to a previous theorem.

Related questions

What is a statement that has been deductively proven?

A theorem is proven. An example is The "Pythagoras Theorem" that proved that for a right angled triangle a2 + b2 = c2

Why is Pythagoras theorem only a theory that can not be proven?

It can be proven to an extent but if the sides of a right angle triangle are equal in length then using Pythagoras' theorem is impossible to exactly find the length of its hypotenuse which will always be an irrational number that can't be determined.It is a theorem, not a theory. They are not the same. A theorem is shown to be true based on axioms, what is already known to be true. It does not need to be proven using a scientific method.

Does science offer conclusive proof for a theory?

Sometimes Yes, as in Pythagoras' Theorem. Other times No, for as Godel's Incompleteness Theorem shows, there will be complete bodies of knowledge in which there will be truths that cannot be proven, and falsities which cannot be denied. [I paraphrase his theorem.]

What is the definition of a theorem?

A mathematical statement of some importance that has been proven to be true. Minor theorems are often called propositions. Theorems which are not very interesting in themselves but are an essential part of a bigger theorem's proof are called lemmas. Example: It is Pythagoras' theorem that states the hypotenuse of any right angle triangle when squared is equal to the sum of its squared sides.

Can a theorem be proven using a corollary?

No, a corollary follows from a theorem that has been proven. Of course, a theorem can be proven using a corollary to a previous theorem.

Who proved the pythagory thearom?

The Pythagorean theorem was proven by the ancient Greek mathematician Pythagoras. However, it is worth noting that although the theorem is credited to Pythagoras, evidence suggests that it was known and used by other civilizations before him.

What In a mathematical system a proven statement is called?

A theorem (or lemma).

Was the Pythagorean Theorem proven?

Oh yes, the Pythagorean Theorem has been proven.

What is proven with a geometric proof?

Theorems is what is proven with the geometric proof.

What type of statement must be PROVEN in geometry?

That is a theorem.A theorem.

What statement to a theorem can be proven easily using the theorem?

A corollary.

What is a conjecture that is proven?
