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Q: Why is a coin toss a good way to represent allel combinations that occur in nature?
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What is organic modifier?

GMOs are plants or animals that have been genetically engineered with DNA from bacteria, viruses or other plants and animals. These experimental combinations of genes do not occur in nature.

How do combinations of genes occur?

through dominate and recessive genes

In what ways can an element occur in nature?

An element occur in nature as a pure element or as a compound.

Does bromine occur as a liquid in nature?

Bromine is a liquid but doesn't occur in nature as a free element.

Did halogens frequently occur in nature as free elements?

Yes, the halogens did occur in nature as free elements.

Is bromine an element that occur in nature as liquids?

Bromine is a liquid but doesn't occur in nature as a free element.

Forces or things that occur in nature?

Gravity, electromagnetism, friction, and wind are forces that occur in nature. Earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, lightning, and tornadoes are natural phenomena that occur in nature.

When cartographers represent the three - dimensional earth in two dimensions what is likely to occur?

When cartographers represent the three-dimensional Earth in two dimensions what is likely to occur is distortion.

How many combinations of numbers can occur when you roll 3 dicee?

Since there are 6 sides on each die, and you have 3 dice, you do 6x6x6. Which is 216 combinations.

How many chemicals occur in nature periodic table?

About 80% of the first 117 elements occur in the nature in a stable manner.

Are gay people unnatural?

No, gay people are not unnatural. Consider the following points:If something occurs in nature, then it's natural.Homosexuality occurs in nature.Just because something doesn't occur in nature, does not mean we shouldn't do it. Writing doesn't occur in nature. Football doesn't occur in nature. Hearing aids don't occur in nature.

Do laser beams occur in nature?

no they do not