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The herb Coltsfoot is shaped like a coltsfoot. Therefore the name.

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Q: Why is a coltsfoot called a coltsfoot?
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What are the drug interactions associated with coltsfoot use?

There are no studies of the interactions of coltsfoot with conventional pharmaceuticals or other herbal remedies.

What are the medicinal actions of coltsfoot?


What are the side effects associated with using coltsfoot?

Coltsfoot is believed to increase the incidence of liver damage and cancerous liver tumors in both laboratory animals and humans.

What is coltsfoot?

It eases cats' coughs when they breath in smoke.

What does coltsfoot leaves look like?

Coltsfoot leaves resemble, well, a colt's foot. The size of the plant and the color of its flowers are both similar to a dandelion. The best factor I know of identifying coltsfoot is that, unlike dandelions, the flowers appear long before the leaves.

What are the physical characteristics of coltsfoot?

Coltsfoot is a perennial herb that grows to a height of 4-10 inches (10-25 cm). The stem is covered with white, downy fibers, leaves are hoof-shaped, and the flowers are yellow.

What is the Latin name of coltsfoot?

Tussilago farfara, a member of the daisy family (Asteraceae).

Where is coltsfoot grown?

Coltsfoot is native to Europe and Asia, but it has been introduced to other regions including North America. It is typically found growing in moist, wooded areas, along stream banks, and in disturbed habitats such as roadsides.

What are the precautions associated with using coltsfoot?

Not to be used by pregnant, nursing women and children under 6 years. Avoid the internal use of coltsfoot, needs more studies. Contains pyrrolizidine alkaloids that could cause liver cancer in large doses. And more . . .

What early spring wild flower in the North East looks like dandelion?

Coltsfoot (Tussilago farfara)

What is the recommended external dosage of coltsfoot?

A poultice of flowers is sometimes applied to the skin to treat eczema, stings, bites, and skin inflammations.

What diseases does coltsfoot treat?

Asthma, bronchitis, cough, laryngitis and hoarseness, lung cancer symptoms, mouth and throat irritations, sore throat, wheezing.