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Q: Why is a part to part ratio different from a part to whoel ratio?
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By definition, integers are whole numbers as they have no fraction part.

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"The king reign the whoel kingdom"

What is a ratio that compares a part of the whole to another part of the whole?

A Part-to-part ratio

What is a part to part ratio?

A ratio that compares the first number of two ratios Ex: 3/10 and 4/10 3/4 would be the part to part ratio

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through her whoel pregnancy. if she is heavy or has a period throughout her pregnancy.

What is a ratio and how does it relate to a fraction?

A fraction is a ratio of a part to the whole. Ratios can represent this or a part to another part, as well.

What is a part to whole ratio?

8 out of 10 IS a ratio

What is a ratio of a part to a whole?

a ratio is a fraction of something, so basically the other part of the whole.

What is the definition of part-to-whole-ratio?

Part-to-whole-ratio is defined as the relationship between part of something and the whole of it. For instances if there are 10 apples and you get 3, this is said to be 3:10 which is a part-to-whole ratio.

What is the difference between part to part and part to whole in math terms ratios?

A part to part ratio considers and compares the probabilities of two different outcomes happening. For example, a part to part ratio could be HEADS to TAILS on a fair coin. The ratio is 1/2 to 1/2. Simplified, this is 1 to 1. However, a part to whole ratio compares the probability of one outcome occurring to the total possibilities possible. Consider the example of a fair coin. A part to whole ratio would be HEADS to ALL EVENTS POSSIBLE or 1/2 to (1/2 + 1/2) or 1/2 to 1 or simplified, 1 to 2

What is cheapest pet combo on wizard 101 to hatch?

try the to cheapest pets in the whoel game (there probably in wc)

What is the ratio There are 234 in 9 different classrooms what is the ratio?

26 to 1