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Q: Why is a photogate and timer considered to be accurate and precise?
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How do you get 16 minutes by using a 10 and7 minute timer?

You set the 10 minute timer for 9 minutes and the 7 minute timer for the full 7 minutes.

Why is zero not considered a counting number In timer down counters it counts down to zero?

If a timer is counting down from 30, it doesn't actually count 30. It starts counting at 29. If you are counting up to 10, you wouldn't count the number that you are counting from. If you counted 0, you would actually be counting 11 numbers.

You have 2 sand filled egg timers one for 9 minutes and one for 2 minutes. how can you use both of them to time a 5 minute egg?

you put the 9minute timer and the 2minute timer on together when the 2min timer finishes flip it 2min timer to make 4mins. when the 2min timer is finished start timing the egg and wait for the 9min one to finish :)

What are the advantages of using the tlm 300 distance measurer over a tape measure?

well for one thing it measures distances that are far longer than a tape measure could ever stretch. 200metres to be precise and some of these other reasons: · It has a Pythagoras function for remote measurement of high walls. · It can measure distances up to 200m which the tape measure cannot. · It has min-max, tracking and trapezoid measurement for accurate layout. · It has memory and history recall. · It has a rapid and precise one person operation over long distances. · It is easy for it to take measurements in busy or out-of-reach areas. · It has calculator functions for quick and easy area, volume and other measurement. · It has a timer function. · A one person operation means greater productivity. · Level ensures measurements are extremely accurate. · It has a fitting for a camera tripod. hope this info is good enough im doing a project on it as well so that's how i know all this byeeeeeeeee:)

Where can one purchase a Stopwatch with Timer?

A stopwatch with a timer can be found and purchased online on sites like ebay or amazon. It can also be purchased in department stores like walmart and target.

Related questions

How accurate is mechanical stopwatch?

Mechanical stopwatches are generally accurate to within a fraction of a second, depending on the quality and maintenance of the stopwatch. However, they are not as precise as digital stopwatches due to the potential for human error in starting and stopping the timer manually.

How much of a difference is there in accuracy using a CDN digital timer over a regular kitchen timer?

A CDN will be more accurate, but a regular kitchen timer, if used properly, is very accurate as well.

Can you work 1hour and be considered a full timer?


How much does it cost to run a wall timer?

The cost to run a wall timer depends on various factors such as the type of timer, the energy consumption of the device being controlled, and the local electricity rates. On average, a wall timer may cost around a few cents per day to operate. It is best to check the user manual of the specific wall timer for more accurate information.

Can 555 timer be considered a digital device?

You can use it in both analog and digital circuits but it is considered as a digital device.

Why 555 timer is used in fire detection?

A 555 timer is used in fire detection because it can take samples at regular intervals. This allows the mechanisms to accurate detect fires without a need to constantly strain the batteries.

What is the 555 IC timer measured in?

there are 3 resistors of 5k each...hence the name 555

What lab equipment is used to measure time?

A stopwatch or timer is commonly used to measure time in a laboratory setting. Some experiments may also use more precise devices like digital timers or chronometers for accurate time measurements.

If i had a three minute eggtimer and a five minute eggtimer and i need to boil an egg for seven minutes how would you do this?

I would use my watch, or the timer function of my microwave. Or you can start both timers at the same moment, before putting the egg in the water. When the 3-minute timer ends, put the egg in. This leaves 2 minutes on the 5-minute timer, assuming both timers are relatively accurate. When the 5-minute timer ends, re-set it again for 5 minutes, and you will have your 7 minute egg when the timer ends.

Why do you need a special timer for barrel racing?

Barrel races usually use the 'Electric eye'. It is placed where the time starts/ends. It's important, because it is the most accurate way to record the times, and it starts/stops as soon as the horse's nose passes the timer. Stopwatches aren't nearly accurate enough-in some barrel races, a hundredth of a second can determine the winner.

What are the four timers used in TCP?

Connection establishment timer, persist timer, keepalive timer, retransmission timer

Is timer a short vowel?

No, "timer" does not have a short vowel sound. The "i" in "timer" is pronounced as a long vowel, like in the word "time."