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Q: Why is a stream less productive than a swamp?
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Why are rivers more productive than swamps?

The water flow in rivers is too high.Rivers are less productive than swamps because swamps just like marshes have the highest primary production of all the world's ecosystems.

Why are rivers less productive than swamps?

They are not!They are not!They are not!They are not!

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Are western swamp tortoises endangered or extinct?

They are endangered , there are less than 300 individuals left.

It is always better to hire a more qualified and productive worker than a less qualified and productive one and regardless of cost?

you can find it in managerial economics class, hahhaha

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the productive population is less than the consuming one

Do you agree with the view that workers in less developed countries are always less productive than their counter parts in developed countries?

not nesse-celery

Is the gulf stream 500 miles out in the ocean?

No. Around Florida its less than 50 miles out in places.

How do you get to the swamp box in Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix?

you go to the swamp than get a box :P

What is a stream of water?

A stream is a flowing body of Waterwith a Current_(stream), confined within a Stream_bedand Stream_bank. Depending on its locale or certain characteristics, a stream may be referred to as a branch, brook, beck, Burn_(topography), creek, Kill_(body_of_water),Lick_(stream),Rill,Riversyke, Bayou, rivulet, or run. In some countries or communities a stream may be defined by its size. In the United_Statesa stream is classified as a watercourse less than 60 feet (18 metres) wide.

What scientific rule states the the pressure exerted by a moving stream of fluid is less than the pressure of the surrounding?

Bernoulli's principle.

Air forced in blood stream how long till you die?

It depends with the type of air that is forced in the blood stream. Oxygen will have no effect where as carbon monoxide will kill the person in less than 1 hour.