Why do think a 10 kg iron ball weighs 10kg where ever its place of origin be.
like wise avagardo no is also constant.
It means something that doesn't change, like a number.
A number with a power is still a number - a fixed constant. The differential of a constant is always 0.
Such a number is called a "constant". If the number appears in front of a variable, it is sometimes called a "coefficient".
Constant just means that the number does not change. For example, in Chemistry, avogadro's number is 6.022x10^23 and that number will never change, therefore it is a constant.
Avogadro's constant is the number of atoms or molecules of a substance in 1 mole of that substance.
There are approximately 9.65 x 10^23 molecules of sulfur dioxide in 1.60 moles of sulfur dioxide. This is because one mole of any substance contains Avogadro's number of molecules, which is 6.022 x 10^23.
Avogardo no is a constant which is obtained by a lot of research so that scientists could find out the no of moles, molar mass, given mass and a lot more much easier way which present in a particular compound or element
Yes - it is Avagadro's number/constant
It is constant for elements. IT depends on number of protons that atom has.
A [real] constant.
Vacuum, if maintained, is a constant as is the number 0 or zero and then there is the number 1
A constant is not a variable at all, and none of its factors was a variable. It is constant.
It means something that doesn't change, like a number.
A number with a power is still a number - a fixed constant. The differential of a constant is always 0.
Such a number is called a "constant". If the number appears in front of a variable, it is sometimes called a "coefficient".
Constant is a number with no variables. For an example, 12a, but this is a constant 12.
Constant just means that the number does not change. For example, in Chemistry, avogadro's number is 6.022x10^23 and that number will never change, therefore it is a constant.