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because when a man loves a man as much as ross wilson does then well its ether a one or a 0 in the bedroom if you get what i mean

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Q: Why is binary used to represent numbers in electronic devices?
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What two numbers represent a binary digit?

The only two numbers that represent a binary digit are 0 and 1

Is binary used in telephones?

All electronic devices use digital communications, which is binary.

What is the name of the number system used to represent digital electronics?

Digital electronics devices handle numbers in the form of the binary system. That is, the numbers are represented in base-2, with only two digits. That way, when a digit comes along, it's much easier for the electronic device to decide what digit it is.

What electronic device converts decimal numbers to binary numbers?

a gps.

How many binary bits are necessary to represent 748 different numbers?

Binary bits are necessary to represent 748 different numbers in the sense that binary bits are represented in digital wave form. Binary bits also have an exponent of one.

What integers are used to represent binary numbers?

0 and 1.

Why binary number system used in digital system?

They are the best numbers for computers to use. In simple terms, as computers are electronic they use electronic currents, which can be on or off, like a light switch. 1 and 0, which are the only digits binary has, can be used to represent these two states. Binary forms the basis to all computer memory and operations.

In electronic what are the devices that act as switches to allow for computation of binary values?

Nowadays, transistors are mainly used.

What is difference between Binary numbers and Decimal Numbers?

Binary can only be 1 & 0. Decimal numbers have a dot in them. Binary numbers use only 2 symbols (0 and 1) to represent different numbers, while decimal numbers use 10 symbols (0 to 9) to represent different numbers. check the below link for more.

How do you convert letters to numbers?

There are many different systems of using numbers to represent letters. Binary is commonly used.

What is the important of binary systems in computer?

All information on computers (and other electronic as well as most optical storage devices) is stored and processed in binary form. This may be bits that are either magnetised or not magnetised in electronic storage, or pits and bands in optical devices. This one-or-the-other is a means of coding information in a binary fashion.

How do transistors represent binary?

Transistors can be used to represent binary data by acting as switches that can be in one of two states: ON or OFF. In digital circuits, the ON state is typically represented by a transistor conducting current (logic level 1) and the OFF state by a transistor not conducting current (logic level 0). By turning transistors ON and OFF in specific combinations, binary data can be encoded and processed in electronic devices.