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Neutrons are uncharged; alpha particles have a charge of +2. That means that while there is no electrostatic repulsion between the nucleus and the neutron, the alpha particle is repelled by the (also positively charged) nucleus.

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Q: Why is it easier to hit a nucleus with a neutron rather than an alpha particle?
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How does an electron differ from a neuron?

An electron is a fundamental particle with a negative charge that orbits around an atomic nucleus, while a neuron is a specialized cell in the nervous system that transmits electrical and chemical signals. Neurons are essential for transmitting information throughout the body and are involved in various functions such as sensory perception, motor control, and cognitive processes, whereas electrons play a role in creating chemical bonds and generating electricity in various systems.

What is the small particle of an atom which carries a neutral charge?

I think you mean a neutron. We don't say 'a neutral charge', but rather that it has no charge.

What was the name of the person who discovered neutron?

James Chadwick is given credit for the discovery of the neutron in 1932. Chadwick did experiments to demonstrate the existence of a neutral particle in the nucleus that was later given the name neutron. For this, he received the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1935. Chadwick was not the first person to assert the existence of the neutron, or rather was not the first to assert the existence of a neutral particle in the nucleus with the characteristics of the neutron. Santiago Antunes de Mayolo, a Peruvian scientist, proposed the existence of such a particle as the neutron at the Third Scientific Panamerican Congress in 1924. Ettore Majorana, an Italian theoretical physicist, is credited with make a proposal of the existence of this particle also, but this was not documented in a scientific publication. As with many scientific developments, ideas form over time and with different people. Credit of single person for a single "discovery" is not the same as saying the ideas all evolved from one person. Background on this topic is in the related link and the related questions.

What type of particle is captured by a nucleus during a fission reaction?

The nucleus splits to form two or more smaller nuclei.

What subatomic particle is not contained within the nucleus of an atom?

Electrons are the subatomic particles that are not contained within the nucleus of an atom. They orbit around the nucleus in electron clouds at various energy levels.

Why if a neutron has 0 electirc charge still have a magnetic moment?

as magnetic moments are created by the movement of electric charges Since the neutron is a neutral particle the magnetic moment is an indication of substructure i.e. the neutron is made of other electrically charged particles (quarks).There is a cloud of pi-mesons around the neutrons in result to the exchange of pi-mesons (the exchange particle of the strong force) with the other nucleons (proton and neutrons).the non-zero magnetic moment of the neutron indicates that it is not an elementary particle as it carries no net charge but still interacts with a magnetic field.The magnetic moment is negative which means that the neutron has a tendency to align anti parallel to a magnetic field rather than parallel to the field.

What is bremsstrahlung?

Bremsstrahlung is electromagnetic radiation emitted when a charged particle, such as an electron, decelerates rapidly in the presence of a strong electric field, typically in the vicinity of a heavy nucleus. It is commonly observed in X-ray tubes and in processes like beta decay.

What represents an alpha particle?

An alpha particle in nuclear chemistry is a helium-4 nucleus, or 42He+2. In order to simplify, the Greek letter alpha is also used to represent the particle.

When an element's nucleus changes to that of a new element it is called?

This is called either nuclear fission, when the element loses a proton, or nuclear fusion, when the element gains a proton.Ans 2.It is called a nuclear reaction. Nuclear reactions tend to each have a name which is specific to that reactionalpha decay - the nucleus emits an alpha particle. An alpha particle is a helium nucleus, consisting of 2 protons and 2 neutrons.beta decay - the nucleus emits an electron, and one of its neutrons becomes a proton OR the nucleus emits a positron and one of its protons becomes a neutron.Beta capture - the nucleus captures an electron, with a proton becoming a neutron OR captures a positron, with a neutron becoming a protonnuclear fission - the nucleus splits into two pieces, and emits one or more neutrons. The two pieces are more or less random, and generally of different sizes to each other. Strictly speaking not what the question asked for, because it turned into two elements rather than one.Nuclear fusion - two nuclei are slammed together violently, and become one. Again, not really what the question had in mind.

How can a neutron have a magnetic moment when it has no charge?

A neutron has a magnetic moment due to the intrinsic magnetic properties of its constituent particles, quarks. Quarks carry electric charges and intrinsic magnetic moments, contributing to the overall magnetic moment of the neutron, even though the neutron as a whole is electrically neutral.

What causes a splitting nucleus?

A splitting nucleus typically occurs during cell division when a cell undergoes mitosis or meiosis. In mitosis, a cell's nucleus divides to produce two identical daughter cells, while in meiosis, specialized cell division produces cells with half the number of chromosomes for sexual reproduction.

What particle has the same mass as a hydrogen atom?

No partial or complete atom has anywhere near 12,000 times the mass of a hydrogen atom. The mass of the hydrogen atom is 1 atomic mass unit (AMU), corresponding to the single proton in its nucleus. The largest, most massive atom that presently occurs naturally on Earth is that of Uranium. The heaviest form of Uranium has 238 protons and neutrons in its nucleus, for an atomic mass of around 238. All of these mass numbers correspond to the number of protons and neutrons in the nucleus. The electrons surrounding the nucleus are largely ignored, for a few reasons: -- Electrons come and go, get added to and separated from atoms, rather easily. -- 1 proton or 1 neutron have as much mass as about 1,840 electrons, so a few electrons more or less doesn't make much difference in the mass of an atom. -- The most complex atom ... Uranium again ... normally has only about 92 electrons, which amounts to only about 5 percent of one proton or neutron, so they don't have much impact on an atomic mass of 238 .