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A T test is used to find the probability of a scenario given a specific average and the number of degrees of freedom. You are free to use as few degrees of freedom as you wish, but you must have at least 1 degree of freedom. The formula to find the degrees of freedom is "n-1" or the population sample size minus 1. The minus 1 is because of the fact that the first n is not a degree of freedom because it is not an independent data source from the original, as it is the original. Degrees of freedom are another way of saying, "Additional data sources after the first". A T test requires there be at least 1 degree of freedom, so there is no variability to test for.

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Q: Why is it impossible to compute a T statistic for a sample that has only one score?
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What statistic is produced when the difference between a score and the mean is divided by the standard deviation?

a "T" or a "Z" score. A "T" Score if comparing a sample. A "Z" Score when comparing a population. Remember, a population includes all observation, and a sample includes only a random selection of the population.

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The score of each individual or a single data is called STATISTIC. As a result, STATISTICS is the act of creating, comparing, interpreting, and analyzing data. Because the population is nearly impossible to reach, statistics is concerned with the sample rather than the population.

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z-score or standard score... tells you how many standard deviations away from the mean a particular number is in relations to all numbers in a population (or sample)

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It is impossible to determine the percentiles if you are given only the sample mean since percentiles are a measure of the spread of the data; the mean gives no information on that.

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This question cannot be answered. You need the mean and standard deviation in order to compute a Z score for a Raw score. Please restate the question.

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Sample score sheets for many beauty pageants can be viewed at the Related Link. Specific pageants may have sample score sheets on their websites.

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There is insufficient information in the question to properly answer it. In order to compute a Z score from a raw score, you need the mean and the the standard deviation, neither of which was given. Please restate the question.

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Some places to find a free sample business plan for an NGO is the internet, Insurance companies, and SCORE. SCORE is a non profit organization.

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The answer depends on what the test statistic is: a t-statistic, z-score, chi square of something else.

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Because t-score isn't as accurate as z-score, you should use 40 as a safety sample size, rather than 30 as you would for a z-score.

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Go back to the basic data, estimate the sample mean and the standard error and use these to estimate the Z-score.

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There's no real way to compute how many points you will see added to your score but you should see some nice movement.