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sin(theta) is the y-coordinate of the intersection of a line forming an angle with the positive x-axis and the unit circle (i.e., circle of radius one, centered at the origin). The unit circle has its highest y-value at the point (0,1). Drawing the unit circle on a graph makes this obvious.

Assume that there were a higher y-value than one possible. y>1 --> y2>1. Because x2>=0 for all real x, y2>1 --> x2+y2>1, which is impossible for a point on the unit circle (since for all points on the unit circle (x,y), x2+y2=1).

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Q: Why is it impossiple for an angle to have a sine larger than 1?
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What is larger sine A or tangent A in an acute angle?

tangent will always be larger because its denominator is smaller than sine's.

What is the size of an angle when the sine is 6352?

the sine of an angle can't be greater than 1.0

Is sine greater than one?

No angle has a sine function greater than 1.

Why sine cannot measure angle larger than 45?

It can. The sine function is defined for all numbers--negative, 0, and positive. The function is periodic and repeats every 360 degrees.

Is the sine of an acute angle is greater that 1?

No. The sine of an acute angle is less than 1. An acute angle is less than 90 degrees. The sine of 0 degrees is 0, and the sine of 90 degrees is +1. So the sines of the angles between 0 degrees and 90 degrees are less than 1.

Why are the sine and the cosine of an acute angle always less than 1?

Well, the easiest way to go at it is simply to remember thatthe sine and cosine of any angle are always less than 1 .

Which angle is larger an obtuse angle or acute angle?

An obtuse angle is larger than a acute angle

What is the value of sine theta when theta is equal to 0.4384?

We'll answer your question as asked. What was asked was, "What is the sine of the angle (the angle theta) if the angle measures 0.4384?" That's the way the question reads. That's a pretty small angle. Less than one degree. That angle has about 0.00765 as the sine. Perhaps the question was "What is the angle of theta if its sine is 0.4384?" In the event that this was really your question, if sine theta equals 0.4384, arcsine theta is about 23.00 degrees. Here we use the term arcsine. If we see "arcsine 0.4384" in a text, what it means is "the angle whose sine is 0.4384" in math speak.

Is it possible for the sine of an angle to be greater than 1?

no - nor less than minus 1.

An angle that is larger than a right angle label the vertex K?

Draw an angle that is larger than a right angle label the vertex k

What is an angle that is larger than a right angle?

An obtuse angle

Why is the sine of an angle less than 1?

In a right triangle, the sine of the angle is equal to the (leg opposite the angle) divided by the (hypotenuse). It's well known that the hypotenuse is always the longest side in the right triangle, so this division can never come out to be more than ' 1 '.