50 has no zeros. It's equal to 50 under all conditions.
In the real domain, yes. In the complex domain, no.
If leading zeros are allowed, then there are ten thousand possible: 0000 through 9999. If leading zeros are not allowed, then it is 1000 through 9999, eliminating 0000-0999, and now there are nine thousand possibilities.
take out zeros
You annex zeros to get the answer. Such as 0.03 equals 0.030, and you keep annexing zeros to the end to get your answer. Until you get to the hundred thousandths place.
It is not necessary: some people find it easier to do so, others do not.
one thing that you can do is divide the 8 into 3, but you will need to annex zeros
50 has no zeros. It's equal to 50 under all conditions.
An infinite number of zeros is in infinity, so one specific number is not possible.
In the real domain, yes. In the complex domain, no.
"Annex" is the singular form. The plural form would be "annexes".