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Use a number line to image this. Subtraction means "switch directions". ..._-2_-1_0_+1_+2_... Adding a negative is the same as subtracting. You switch directions on the number line. -1 + -1 = -2 is the same as -1 - 1 = -2. Adding negative numbers only makes the answer more negative. If you add a positive close to zero and a negative far from zero you get a negative. If you add a positive far from zero to a negative close to zero you get a positive. Your question seems to indicate confusion with multiplication rather than addition. When you multiply 2 negatives, you switch directions twice and end up going to the right (Positive) on the number line. remember keep change change.

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Q: Why is it when you add negative and negative it equals a positive and negative and positive equals a negative?
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It is a negative. Always remember this: -A positive times a positive equals a negative -A negative times a negative equals a positive -A negative times a positive equals a negative *This works ONLY for addition and multiplication I hope this info helped you! :)

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When it comes to numbers (this question was asked in the "Math and Arithmetic" category), adding a negative number to a positive number always equals a negative number.