The prefix is tera-.
Depends on what magnitude you are talking about. 10^12 = Tera 10^9 = Giga 10^6 = Mega 10^3 = Kilo 10^2 = Hecto 10^1 = Deca 10^-1 = deci 10^-2 = centi 10^-3 = milli 10^-6 = micro 10^-9 = nano 10^-12 = pico 10^-15 = femto
Slightly more - about 10% more. The prefix "Tera", when used for data storage, is often not defined as exactly 10004, but rather it is rounded to 10244. ("Rounded", because 1024 is a power of 2.)
It is not normal to say giga-kilo (this would actually be tera). Anyway giga means 109 or a billion
yotta- zetta- exa- peta- tera- giga- mega- kilo- hecto- deca- deci- centi- milli- micro- nano- pico- femto- atto- zepto- yocto-
Kilo is a more common and widely used prefix than tera because it represents a smaller unit of measurement, such as a thousand, which is easier to relate to in everyday contexts. Tera, on the other hand, represents a much larger unit of measurement, equivalent to a trillion, which is less commonly used in everyday language or measurements.
Three measurements larger than kilo are mega, giga, and tera. Mega is equivalent to one million, giga is one billion, and tera is one trillion.
Well, strictly speaking a Kilobyte (or anything with the prefix Kilo-) is actually 1000 according to the SI (International System of Units) standards, however, we usually refer to Kilo- as 1024 as the actual prefix for 1024 is Kibi-, which sounds a little weird, so the shops just stuck to Kilo-. However, the story does not stop there, the proposed JEDC system of classification state that Kilo, Giga, and Tera stand for 1024 units.
The prefix Tera means 1012, or a million millions.
The prefix is tera-.
The prefix that equals 1 trillion in the metric system is tera-.
Discount office furniture can be found at Walmart or Target. There is usually a discounted section where you can purchase it or you can purchase it during a sale such as Boxing Day.
Tera Bytes are the largest unit of measurement.
tera is 1012, therefore the next prefix is 1015 which is peta followed by 1018 which is exa
Tera as in a terabyte = a trillion bytes.
"Teca" is not among the metric prefixes - that's meaningless. If you mean "tera"... the prefix "tera" means 1012, while the prefix "micro" means 10-6.