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in trig a reference angle is ised to create a reference triangle in the first quadrant by using any point except the origin that lies on the terminal side of the ref. angle and drawing a perpendicular to the x-axis. for 90 degrees the terminal side is the y-axis and the perpendicular would not create a triangle, but just retrace the y-axis.

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Q: Why is ninety degree not taken as the angle of reference?
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Why is 90 degree not taken as the angle of reference in trigonometry?

The angle of reference is in the first quadrant, and 90 degrees angle is not in the quadrant.

Why is 90 degrees taken as angle of reference in trigonometry?

It is not. The angle of reference is 2*pi radians or 360 degrees.

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Why is 90 degrees not taken as the angle of reference?

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