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Q: Why is number lines and grids useful in math?
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What subjects are time lines useful?

science,math,and social studies

Where is it possible to view a number line?

Number lines can be viewed in most math textbooks, or any math related material. These can be found in bookstores, schools, and public libraries. Number lines can also be viewed in a web search.

Who are the ones who used number lines to locate points in places?

Math students.

Why do you use number lines in your life?

To help us organize our math thoughts.

What does mentally mean in math?

you solve the problem in your head with no help from calculators or number lines ect..

What is important about the number line?

the reason why a number line is important, is because it tells you the order of something, and is very useful in history, math and science

How is math useful to a roofer?

it is help

What is linear in math?


Lines that have the same slope in math?

Lines that have the same slope are said to be parallel lines.

What technology is useful in math class?


What is corresponding in math?

coresponding is lines

Why do you teach math?

Math is very useful. You may not realize it but you are always using math. From counting how many eggs to cook or paying for something you'll always need it. I personally don't love math but i know it will be extremely useful in my future.