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Q: Why is pi so important in the math world?
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Where did the math symbol pi in math come from?

several equations' answers come out to 3.14 and so on, thats pi

What does 'pi' mean in math terms?

In math terms, pi, means 3.14, which is a everlasting decimal, that is just rounded to make your math easier. So pi, means 3.14 in math terms.

In math what is the definition for Pi?

3.1415........... (in more simpler terms, it is a ratio). Pi represents the ration between a circles circumference to its diameter. So in other words, pi=(c/d), making pi a constant [3.1415....]. Isn't math just wonderful!!

How would you mathematically enter pi in the keyboard?

Most mathematicians use LaTeX, which enables you to enter pi by typing \pi in so called math-mode.

How does an artist use pi?

Ok an artist uses pi to describe math in a drawing. That's it, just math in a drawing, only another way than goin into details when it all adds up to he same thing so pi for an artist is making a symbol of math in his/her drawing. Thank You!

What is the importance of contemporary math for the student?

math is important very important so any kind of math is important even contemporary.

What is pïe done in math?

Pi (not "pie") is an important number in math, equal to about 3.14159625. It is the ratio between the circumference and the diameter of a circle; but this number also appears in many other places, even some where the relationship with a circle is not so obvious.

What type of math do people do in Ireland?

Math is the same all over the world, so the math in Ireland is the same as anywhere else.Math is the same all over the world, so the math in Ireland is the same as anywhere else.Math is the same all over the world, so the math in Ireland is the same as anywhere else.Math is the same all over the world, so the math in Ireland is the same as anywhere else.Math is the same all over the world, so the math in Ireland is the same as anywhere else.Math is the same all over the world, so the math in Ireland is the same as anywhere else.Math is the same all over the world, so the math in Ireland is the same as anywhere else.Math is the same all over the world, so the math in Ireland is the same as anywhere else.Math is the same all over the world, so the math in Ireland is the same as anywhere else.Math is the same all over the world, so the math in Ireland is the same as anywhere else.Math is the same all over the world, so the math in Ireland is the same as anywhere else.

What is consumer math important in our society?

Consumer math is important so that individuals can do their budgeting, taxes and investing.

What is a impossible math problem that never can be solved?

pi has yet to be solved so i guess that pi is a impossible math problem.That above meaning the digits of pi. Pi is an irrational number so its digits will go forever. Not sure if that's considered a math problem, though.How about trisecting an angle using geometric constructions. That one hasn't been solved yet to my knowledge.Squaring the circle - constructing a square and a circle which have the same area, would be another one that I believe is unsolvable.

Why is math so important in France?

it is Tradition you

What is the Pi for math?

Pi is a mathematical constant which represents the ratio of the circumference to the diameter of a circle.Pi is an irrational number, so an exact value cannot be given.Decimal approximation: 3.1415926535897932384626433832795028841971693993751058209749...