

Why is shirk such a big sin?

Updated: 9/23/2023
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βˆ™ 11y ago

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Shirk is the greatest major sin because it involves associating others along with Allah in worship, His Lordship or in His attributes. Being thankful to other than Allah for all the good which He has given us, or to say that He has an equal or one who is similar to Him, shirk can also involve rejecting the Messengers' of Allah since the Messengers of Allah call against shirk.

If someone rejects any Messenger of Allah, they are rejecting His message. If they are rejecting His Message, they are saying that Allah has lied and that He doesn't send us a Criterion to judge between what is right and wrong, true and false etc. If someone doesn't accept this, then they are following a way which opposes the law of Allah. They are also saying that Allah has lied, and that in of itself is a huge sin.

So because they have rejected Allah's message, they have also rejected His commandments. Which then means that they would be disobedient to Him without even feeling any guilt that they are transgressing the boundaries which He has set for us. This means that they can do any forms of injustice without feeling that they will return to Allah and be judged for what they did (and be either rewarded or punished for their actions), so they may persist in these evils to the extent that they cause a great deal of harm to the whole of humanity.

Yet if this person never had commited this shirk, and they had accepted Allah's Messengers', this would mean they would accept His call, which would mean that they would be far more likely to do good and turn away from evil because they would have the fear of Allah, love of Allah, hope for His reward for their patience and good etc.

So maybe if this person never had fallen into shirk, they may have done alot less evil out of fear of Allah, and the world would be a better place for the person aswell as those affected by this person.

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Shirk means associating partners with Almighty Allah. It is the greatest sin.

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Shirk is the greatest sin. It means associating partners with Allah Karim. We must believe in the ONENESS of Almighty Allah (GOD).

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I am 14 and to me, I think that the reason that shirk is bad is because god(Allah) does not want people worshipping anything but him.Thats why it is the only sin that is unforgivable.

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You would be committing the Islam shirk.

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Man, you shouldn't have asked that. You are going straight to hell. People these days.

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The major sin of associating anything with divinity other than the one God

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The act of associating partners with Allah, is called Shirk.The Quran callspeople to accept the oneness of Allah and prohibits people from associating partnerswith Him.The Quran also states that shirk is a big sin and Almighty will never forgive associating partners with him.Quraan has said in many ways to convince people to avoid shirk. The Muslims should not take this matter lightly and must avoid shirk in the light of the following sayings of holy Quran.Verily ! Allah will not pardon those who associate a partner with Him. Apart from him, He will pardon all others . Who ascribe partners to Allah has gone far astray.Those whom they call besides Allah have not created anything and they themselves are created.They are dead, lifeless: nor do they know when they will be raised up.

Is it a sin to do shirk even if you do not mean to?

I think it still counts a sin according to the rules of Islam. Intention of an action is more important than the action itself, but something is still a sin if a Muslim knows it is and does it anyway. BUT, something can only be counted as a sin if you know that it goes against the religion.

Which actions are considered shirk?

Shirk is the greatest sin. Shirk means to associate Partners with Almighty Allah (God). It is of two kinds 1. Shirk in Person. To say that there are two or more gods along with Almighty Allah. These gods also deserve worship. They enjoy equal powers to Almighty Allah. 2. Shirk in the Attributes (Qualities/capabilities) of Allah. To accept that there only One Almighty Allah, yet there are some pious people/peers/aulias/ deities/ who can work in the scheme of universe and can exercise their powers to give benefit or to do harm to people against the Will of Almighty Allah. People call upon these personalities (dead or alive) for help. This is also Shirk. May Allah save us from shirk.