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Q: Why is the anecdotal record considered to be the simplest form of direct observations?
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What is looking at a result of a behavior or occurrence called scientific law scientific theory indirect observations or direct observations?

Direct observations. This involves directly watching or recording the behavior or occurrence without any inference or interpretation.

Which term describes the simplest method of performing chant?

Monophonic is the simplest method of performing chant.

What are the syllables for 'direct observations'?

The syllables for the phrase 'direct obersations' are: di-rect - ob-ser-va-tions.

How do scienrist most often gain new knowledge?

They make direct observations.

What is the simplest source of direct current?

Simple source of direct current are Batteries.

When do scientists have to gather information without direct observations?

they use the internet they use the internet

What is the difference between indirect and direct observations?

Direct observations involve firsthand experience of an event, while indirect observations are based on information obtained from secondary sources or data that does not involve direct participation. Direct observations are typically more accurate and reliable, whereas indirect observations may be subject to interpretation or bias.

How observations and data related?

Observations are direct experiences of a phenomenon, while data is the recorded information obtained from these observations. Data is collected through systematic observation, measurement, and recording as a way to quantify and analyze observations. In this way, data is derived from observations and helps provide objective evidence to support conclusions.

What is real observations?

Real observations are objective and concrete data gathered through direct experience or measurement. They represent actual events or phenomena that occur in the natural world and can be verified by multiple observers. Real observations provide the foundation for scientific inquiry and research.

What fecal test is the simplest of the evaluation procedures?

Direct smear

Is freight in considered part of direct materials or overhead?

Direct Materials

What references are usually innocuous because they are the least personal and direct of the four reference types?

Character references are typically considered innocuous because they are based on general observations rather than personal interactions or professional experiences. These references focus on the individual's character traits and qualities, making them less direct and personal compared to other reference types.