Think of the division as a fraction problem, if you're dividing .25 by 2, what you're really calculating is half of .25, which in this case is .125.
The answer will always be smaller if the denominator (the number on the bottom of the fraction bar) is greater than one. Division works like this with whole numbers as well, if you were dividing 10 by 2 (10/2), your answer would be 2, which is also a smaller number.
**If the denominator is less than 1 ( such as 1/.25) the answer will be larger because essentially what you're trying to solve at this point is how many times .25 goes into 1. (4)
You divide decimals like you normally would divide two numbers. Just make sure your decimals get in the right spot and your good! :)
You divide the integer by the decimal.
4/5 in a decimal
Thousandths is smaller than tenths.
Divide the denominator into the numerator.
Videos for "How To Divide Decimals" ?
Its the same way, except you'll go into decimals.
You divide decimals like you normally would divide two numbers. Just make sure your decimals get in the right spot and your good! :)
89 divide by 5 without decimals = 17.8
You divide the integer by the decimal.
15.8/0.8 22.57
4/5 in a decimal
Divide a decimal by 0.01 to get an equivalent percentage.
put it in your caca
Thousandths is smaller than tenths.
Divide the denominator into the numerator.