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Q: Why is the beginning of this pyramid at the bottom instead of the top?
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a square based pyramid is a square at the bottom and a pyramid at the top

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What is at the bottom and top of the ecological pyramid?

Bottom, ProducerTop, Tertiary/ Carnivores

What are facts about the food pyramid?

the bottom of the pyramid is the healthiest and the top is the least for ur diet

What are the kinds of food on the food pyramid?

top- sweets bottom top- meat and poultry bottom- fruits and vegetables

Why a ecological pyramid is smaller at the top than the bottom?

they is fat

What happens to the amount of biomass from the bottom to the top of the pyramid?

it decreases.

What is the shape of pyramid?

Pyramid shaped... like triangular but the bottom has a square base and at the top it meets at a point.

What does a food pyramid look like?

a pyramid. 4 sides, 1 bottom. come to a point and the top.

Why is an ecological pyramid is smaller at the top at the bottom?

Someone is on Chapter 2 Section 2: Flow of Energy in an Ecosystem problem 15. EXPLAIN why an ecological pyramid is smaller at the top than at the bottom.

What is the top and bottom of a 3 dimensional shape?

It depends on the shape. The top of a pyramid will be a point (the apex). The top (and bottom) of a prism or an antiprism will be congruent polygons.

How many corner do a square pyramid have?

it has 4 at the bottom and 1 at the top