Numerator on top; denominator on the bottom.
the top adds what the bottom adds. the top subtracts what the bottom subtracts. the top divides what the bottom divides. the top multiplies what the bottom multiplies.
Top: numerator. Bottom: denominator.
Aha! A sparkler burns top to bottom only because you light the top. If you lit the bottom, it would burn bottom to top. If you lit the middle, it would burn both directions from the middle.
A watershed can be affected by various human activities such as urbanization, deforestation, agriculture, and industrial pollution. These activities can lead to increased runoff and sedimentation, decreased water quality, loss of habitat, and altered hydrological processes within the watershed. Such impacts can affect the health of the watershed ecosystem and the availability of clean water resources.
The top and bottom heads resonate together. If no bottom head, only the top head resonates. The timbre is affected by the material the drum is made from and the type of hoops that are used.
is it on the top or bottom?????/
At the watershed, at top of the mountain or upland region\area.
Top 20 Country Countdown - 2004 Watershed Music Festival George Washingston was released on: USA: 10 August 2012
A nested watershed is simply a watershed within a watershed. An example might be the Platte River watershed which is a nested watershed within the Missouri River watershed which in turn is nested within the Mississippi River watershed.
Numerator on top; denominator on the bottom.
The opposites sides always add up to 7. So: * If 1 is on top, 6 is on the bottom * If 2 is on top, 5 is on the bottom. * If 3 is on top, 4 is on the bottom. * If 4 is on top, 3 is on the bottom * If 5 is on top, 2 is on the bottom. * If 6 is on top, 1 is on the bottom.
it is on the bottom of your arm
Yes it does have a top and a bottom.
the top adds what the bottom adds. the top subtracts what the bottom subtracts. the top divides what the bottom divides. the top multiplies what the bottom multiplies.
The Earth's top and bottom are defined by the North and South poles, respectively. The concept of top and bottom is based on human perception, as Earth is a sphere with no true top or bottom in space.