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Q: Why is the center of mass ofa 1-m length of pipe at its midpoint whereas this is not true for your arm or leg?
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Why is the center of mass of a 1-m length of pipe at IRS midpoint whereas this is not true for your arm or leg?

The center of mass of an object depends on how the mass is distributed within the object. In the case of a uniform pipe, the mass is evenly distributed, leading to the center of mass being at the midpoint. However, in the case of your arm or leg, the mass is not evenly distributed along the length, resulting in the center of mass not being at the midpoint.

Why is the center of mass of a baseball bat not at its midpoint?

The center of mass of a baseball bat is not necessarily at its midpoint because the bat is not uniformly dense. The shape and distribution of the material in the bat can cause the center of mass to be offset from its geometric center.

If masses are equal where does their center of mass lie.?

If the masses are equal, the center of mass lies exactly in the middle between the two masses. This is because the center of mass is a point that balances the masses, and with equal masses, the balance point is at the midpoint.

What is the center of mass of a solid cylinder?

The center of mass of a solid cylinder is at its geometric center, which is the midpoint of its axis. This point represents the balance point of the cylinder, where its mass is evenly distributed in all directions.

Concurreny of medians of triangle?

The three medians are concurrent at a point known as the triangle's centroid. This is the center of mass of the triangle. Two-thirds of the length of each median is between the vertex and the centroid, while one-third is between the centroid and the midpoint of the opposite side.

What is the length of a pendulum?

it is the distance from the point at which it pivots/swings to its center of mass

What is a manipulated variable on heavy backpacks?

Strap length. Distance from backpack center-of-mass to center-of-tread.

1 inch means 3 kilogramme?

No. Inches are a unit of length whereas kilograms are a unit of mass.

How many center-meters equals 1 gram?

There is no direct conversion between centimeters and grams as they are measuring different physical quantities (length and mass). Centimeters are a unit of length, while grams are a unit of mass.

How does a pendulums period vary with the length of its mass With Gravitational acceleration?

The length of the pendulum is measured from the pendulum's point of suspension to the center of mass of its bob. Its amplitude is the string's angular displacement from its vertical or its equilibrium position.

How many centimeters are in 90.64 centigrams?

None. A centimetre is a measure of length whereas a centigram is a measure of mass. There is no direct relationship between the two.

How do you Convert 4.3 meter to kg?

You do not. A metre is a measure of length whereas a kilogram is a measure of mass. There is no sensible way to convert one to the other.