You do not. A metre is a measure of length whereas a kilogram is a measure of mass. There is no sensible way to convert one to the other.
How to convert Cubic meter to BTU
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Times the number of kilograms by one thousand.
Grams are a measure of weight, a square meter is a measure of area, and a cubic meter is a measure of volume. These are not comparable.
How we convert 3.96gm/meter square to kg/metric ton
How to convert Cubic meter to BTU
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1 gram = 0.001 kg 14 grams = 0.014 kg 0.014 kg/meter sq = 14 grams/meter sq
Times the number of kilograms by one thousand.
1 kg/cubic metre = 77.853 pounds/ cubic foot.
haha...pwede bang convert ung length to weight..???
Grams are a measure of weight, a square meter is a measure of area, and a cubic meter is a measure of volume. These are not comparable.
You cant, metres measure length, kg, short for kilograms measures weight. 1000 metres = 1 kilometre
How we convert 3.96gm/meter square to kg/metric ton
The density of aggregate can vary, but on average it is around 1.5 tonnes per cubic meter. Therefore, 1 cubic meter of aggregate would weigh approximately 1500 kg.
LMAO.Those two things - mass and length - are utterly incompatible, totally different things. Ask the shop what is the weight per square meter, Then you can convert from one to the other.
Without knowing the linear density of the strip you cannot carry out such a conversion.