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Good question. It is because when dealing with volume, you are talking about 3 dimensions; there is length, heighth, and Depth now too. Think of a square: it's 2 dimensional, it doesn't have any depth. Now think of a cube: it does have a depth. For example, when you open a box, you can reach your hand inside. That space is the Volume. That is why the third power is called Cubed, whereas the second is called Squared. Get it?

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Q: Why is the change in volume always to the third power?
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Because the volume of a cube is the third power of the length of its side.

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The third power.

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Because, to find the volume of a cube, you raise the length of the side to the third power: if the side of a cube is 2, the volume is 2^3 or 8.

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If the area of the base and the height of the cylinder and the cone are the same, then the volume of the cone will always be one third of the volume of the cylinder.

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How due you find the volume of a cube?

One side of the cube to the third power.

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You find the length of one side and take it to the third power. Vcube = (length of side)3

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To find the volume of a cube, raise the length of a side to the third power.

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The pressure of the balloon increases threefold when it is squeezed to one-third its volume with no change in temperature. This is because pressure is inversely proportional to volume according to Boyle's Law, which states that when volume decreases, pressure increases.

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It is 5 cm.

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Each edge is 43.