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Q: Why is the cpi's base year always equal to 100?
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Calculating from a base of 365.25 days a year, 2,737.85 years equal one million days.

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One year is equal to twelve months.

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A temperate glacier remains at melting point from surface to base throughout the year. A polar glacier always remains below freezing point.

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48 weeks equal one year

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What is base year?

A base year is a year chosen for comparison with other years, such as for statistical analysis and price indices - usually given a base value of 100 in order to make percentage comparisons easier.

Does the length of earth day and night equal?

The length of day and night on Earth are not always equal. The amount of daylight and darkness varies depending on the time of year and the latitude of a location. This difference is more pronounced the closer you are to the poles and during the equinoxes.

What are the fixed base index numbers?

in this a normal year of the recent past is taken as the basse year n the prices of current year are compared with the prices of the same items of base year.

How many Saturn years are equal to 1 earth year?

One Saturn year is equal to about 29.5 Earth years.

Where on Earth are day and night of equal length throughout the year?

Day and night are of equal length at the equator, which is an imaginary line that circles the Earth halfway between the North and South Poles. This phenomenon occurs during the equinoxes, which happen around March 20-21 and September 22-23 each year.

What is the base year in the consumer price index?

The base-year value is ordinarily shown as a percentage with the percentage symbol omitted, often 100.0. An example might be Base Year percentage 100.0 and Current Value 139.9.