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Q: Why is the figure selfsame?
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1.6. The absolute value of a positive number is that selfsame number.

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Yes, i guess they could, theres no way to hide your comments, only by deleting them.

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No such option exists on WikiAnswers at this moment.

Can all 8 pawns do the same movement as the original queen does?

Any and every pawn which has been promoted to a Queen will , of course , have the selfsame original powers of movement as that of the Queen .

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Self-concept and selfsame affect communication by ones appearance. This includes hair style, smile, clothing, facial expressions, and gestures.

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Figure Y is circumscribed about figure X.

what- Point M is the centroid of which figure?

figure 2

What is a plain figure?

A plain figure is a simple figure.

What is a sentence with the word figure in it?

Describe what you see in figure two.She was a figure skater.I can draw a stick figure.He could not figure out the answer.I figure he went to bed.

Is a circle closed figure or open figure?

closed figure

What is a open figure?

an open figure is a figure with its ends NOT connected