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Q: Why is the fisher's index known as an ideal index?
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Why fisher index is the ideal index?

becaused it is exact

Who was the Priestess in Bizet The Pearl Fishers?

The priestess in Bizet the Pearl Fishers was known as Leala.

In the poem coromandel fishers the sea gull is showing the way so what does the way lead to?

In the poem "Coromandel Fishers," the sea gull is showing the way to where the fishers can find the ideal spot to cast their nets and fish. The way leads to a bountiful and fruitful fishing location where the fishers can have a successful catch.

Why fisher's index number is called ideal?

Anything with the fish is ideal because itss the symbol of Christ

What animal eats big cats?

Humans and bears. Fishers have been known to.

What is Fisher's ideal index?

AnswerThe geometric mean of Laspeyre's and Paasche's price indices is called Fisher's price index.

Ideal body mass index per height?

The ideal body mass index (BMI) for adults is between 18.5 & 24.9 To figure out what this means for you, try using a BMI calculator or table such as the one below.

Do fishers ever share a nest with raccoons?

No, they are not compatible and each would attempt to kill and devour the other. Fishers have been known to attack animals larger then themselves.

What is index finger known in Hindi?

Tarjani तर्जनी

What is the phone number of the Fishers Library in Fishers?

The address of the Fishers Library is: Five Municipal Drive, Fishers, 46038 1574

What is the ideal body mass index for an 18 year-old who is 5'3?

The ideal BMI for someone your height and age would be about 18.5-24.9, on average.

Jesus say he will make them fishers of what?

Fishers of Men